Illustration by Charles
Leon ("Chalk") Finch
Our particular
branch of the Finch family has been successfully traced back to the birth
of John Finch, who
left his native England in search of a new life, setting sail for a America in 1630.
A tremendous amount of appreciation is extended to Ora F. Finch and
Charles L. Finch, who, without the benefit of modern means, researched
and created our first "Finch Family Tree". That original document was
published in the Indianapolis News, October 3, 1920, and has been amended over
the years to include genealogical data spanning dates 1595 to 2005. The
information passed down from Ora and Charles Finch has proved indispensable with
respect to continued research of our family's history, and it is only
through their individual contributions that a more complete record has
now been created.
This site is dedicated in memory of my
parents: Richard Bird Finch and Wanda Ruth Dennison Finch,
to my sisters, Leslie Ann, Lisa Lee and Linda Dennison Finch and the many kindred spirits
of the
FINCH family.
May we be thoughtful students of those who have been, thoughtful teachers of those who
are yet to be,
and ever mindful of the importance of leaving this world a little nicer than
we found it.
Lydia Carol Finch Johnston
Danville, Indiana
* *
Recent Site Updates:
Finch Family Message Board
John Rud Finch (b. 1868)
Clay Columbus Finch (b. 1830)
Lloyd L. Finch (b. 1916)
Robert Finch (b.
photo description
Grant Finch (b. 1864)
Daniel C. Finch (b. 1817)
Francis "Frank" Finch (b.
Rex McKinley Finch Jr. (b. 1926)
Cassius Marcellus Finch (b.1871)
Rex McKinley Finch (b. 1896)
Loretta Finch Osborn (b.1763-4)
Joseph R. Finch (b. 1820)
William A. Finch (b. 1914)
Click on the
icons below to contact individuals who may be researching a common ancestor.
Pedigree of
(I) John FINCH (1595-1657)
b. Essex (?), England
(II) Isaac FINCH
(1635-1702) b. Stamford, Connecticut
(III) Abraham FINCH
(1665-1716) b. Stamford, Connecticut
(IV) Isaac FINCH (1696-1748)
b. Fairfield, Connecticut
(V) Isaac FINCH
(1745- 1778) b. Goshen, New York
(VI) John FINCH (1767-1849)
b. New York
(1790-1819) b. New York
(1819-1907) b.
Lawrenceburg, Indiana
(1870-1938) b. Prairie Green, Illinois
(X) Roscoe Wall FINCH
(1900-1941) b. Frankfort, Indiana
(XI) Richard Bird FINCH
(1930-1995) b. Greensburg, Indiana
(XII) Lydia Carol FINCH
b. Indianapolis, Indiana
the Finch Family Message Board
Finch's Historical Hall
View our LINKS section
First Generation:
( I ) John
(1595 - 1657)
Born 1595 in Essex (?), England.
[Believed to be the son of Abraham Finch, and brother of Abraham Jr. and
Daniel Finch.]
John Finch came to America in June / July 1630, arriving in Salem, Massachusetts aboard
a vessel
of the Winthrop
Fleet, and led by the flagship, "Arbella". Traveling with
John Finch,
during this
"Great Emigration" was his father, Abraham Sr., and brothers,
Abraham Jr., and Daniel.
In 1630, this Finch family group settled in Watertown, Massachusetts where,
(per Governor Winthrop),
Abraham Sr.'s wigwam and worldly goods were destroyed
by fire
in September of that year.
By 1634, having taken the oath and become "Freemen", Abraham Finch Sr., Abraham Jr. and Daniel
Finch relocated to
Wethersfield, Connecticut, where each took up residence on the east side of Broad
Street. It is unclear whether John Finch ever owned property in Wethersfield,
CT., though he certainly
in Stamford, which was
then considered a colony of Wethersfield.
Abraham Sr., commonly known as "Ould Finch", took up residence
just south of Thomas Olcott, of
Hartford, CT. Near Abraham Sr.'s homestead was that of son, Daniel Finch
who was appointed
Wethersfield's first constable in 1631. Just north of Daniel's residence, was the home
of Abraham Jr.
Abraham Finch Jr. was killed October 30, 1637 in the Wethersfield Massacre by
(alias Nepaupuck), a Pequot War Chief. Nepaupuck was tried, convicted
and on October
1639, beheaded for the
murder of Abraham Finch Jr., a Swaine family daughter "and others".
At the time of his death, Abraham Finch Jr. had a wife, Dorothy (Moulton) and a son also
Young Abraham Finch (III) was soon after adopted by his grandfather, Abraham Sr. and
eventually inherited his father Abraham Jr.'s 10 acres of land on Broad Street.
(Will administered in September
of 1840.)
As for what we know of John Finch....
"November 7, 1632, at Boston, John Finch fined
for wanting Arms
for his man and for being
absent himself from training." [Militia]
John's first wife (name?) died before 1634, sometime after the birth of their child
(John Finch Jr.)
See record of marriages
John Finch married his 2nd wife, Martha Brett in 1634 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts.
Martha was born in England, and alleged to have arrived in 1630 aboard the "Arbella".
" John was a proprietor of Watertown in 1636-38, being granted 4 acres
on February 26, 1636,
4 more acres on February 26, 1637 and 91 acres April 1638."
By 1642 John Finch was living in Stamford, Connecticut where he
was assigned 6 acres of marsh and
upland and served in the Stamford Train Band"
John Finch died September 5, 1657, (age 62) Fairfield County - Stamford, Connecticut.
"The inventory of his estate was filed in Stamford February 9, 1658, and
found him with a net
estate of only 23 pounds."
"History of Ancient Wethersfield" (p.66-67 and 268-269)
"Finch and Ashley: American Frontiersmen 1630-1977"
Wethersfield Historical Society
The Winthrop Society
Children Of ( I ) John Finch
and 1st wife, (Name?)1. John Finch (cir.1625 - 1685)
Born cir.1625
Married Hannah Marsh Fuller - November 8, 1652
Died June 16, 1685 In Huntington, Long Island New York.
Children Of
( I ) John Finch and 2nd wife, Martha Brett3. Samuel Finch (1638 - 1698)
Born 1638, Stamford, CT.
Married Sarah Hoyt, daughter of Simon Hoyt and Susanna. Smith.
Sarah Hoyt was born abt. 1646 and died March 19, 1712.
Samuel Finch died April 23, 1698 in Stamford Connecticut (age 60)
NOTE: Samuel Finch family information provided courtesy of Carleton
Children of Samuel Finch and Sarah Hoyt:
Joseph Finch
Born abt. 1677 in Stamford, CT.
Married Abigail Seeley on August 7, 1703 in Stamford, CT.
Abigail Seeley, daughter of Obadiah Seeley, was born abt. 1763
in Stamford, CT., and died December 18, 1752.
Joseph Finch died December 16, 1752.
[NOTE: Joseph Finch family record on file at]
Children of Joseph Finch and Abigail Seeley:
Joseph Finch
Benjamin Finch
Elizabeth Finch
Sarah Finch
Born in Stamford CT.
Died January 16, 1750-51 in Stamford, CT.
Samuel Finch Jr.
Born abt. 1666 in Stamford, CT.
Married Sarah Gold on December 5, 1692 in Stamford, CT.
Martha Finch
Born abt. 1669 in Greenwich, CT
Died abt. 1711 in Greenwich, CT.
Susanna Finch
Born abt. 1672 in Stamford, CT.
Died after 1711 in Stamford, CT,
Rachel Finch
Born abt. 1674 in Stamford, CT.
[Children of John
Finch and Martha Brett continued]
4. Joseph Finch Sr. (1640 - 1714)
Born November 23, 1640 Greenwich Connecticut
Married (1) Nov. 23, 1670 at Stamford, Elizabeth Austin, daughter of John and
Catherine Austin.
Married (2) c. 1697, Ruth (Hardy) Mead, widow of John Mead Jr.
Joseph Sr. died March 12, 1714 (age 74) in Greenwich, Connecticut
Children of Joseph Finch Sr. and Elizabeth Austin.
Joseph, Finch
Born ca. 1675
Samuel, Finch
Born c.1677
Died 1728, Greenwich
Married c. 1713 to Mary (Whelpley) Marshall, daughter of Jonathan Whelpley
widow of Samuel Marshall.
Children of Samuel Finch and Mary (Whelpley) Marshall.
Mary Finch
Born Dec. 4, 1715 (?)
Hannah Finch
Born Feb. 6, 1716-17
Mercy Finch
Born Sep. 6, 1718
Married Nathan Lockwood Jr.
Samuel Finch
Born July 12, 1721
Elizabeth Finch
Born Aug. 7, 1725
Jeremiah Finch
Born March 17, 1727
(Note: Jeremiah Finch family record on file at
Abigail Finch
Deborah Finch
Married Jonathan Garnsey
[Children of Joseph Finch Sr. and Elizabeth Austin, continued]
Jonathan, Finch
Born c. 1679
Benjamin, Finch
Born c. 1682
Abigail Finch
Elizabeth Finch
Sarah Finch
Martha Finch
[Children of John
Finch and Martha Brett continued]
5. Martha Finch
6. Abraham Finch
Born Approx. 1648
Back To Top
Children of
( II ) Isaac Finch and wife 1.) Elizabeth Bassett
1. John Finch (1659 - 1702)
Born September 20, 1659
Died March 17, 1702 (age 43)
2. Isaac Finch
(1662 - ?)
Born April 12, 1662.
Married Mary Rundle, daughter of William and Abigail (Tyler)
Rundle, on April 27, 1704.
3. ( III )
Abraham Finch (1665 - 1716)
Born July 5, 1665 Fairfield County - Stamford, Connecticut
Married Martha Couch in 1695 Fairfield, Connecticut.
Martha Couch, was born Sept. 13, 1669 in Fairfield, CT.
She was the daughter of Simon and Hannah Couch, and
died Sept. 8, 1725, Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Martha renewed her covenant at Christ Church, Fairfield, CT.
Abraham Finch died in 1716 (age 51) Goshen, Orange County
New York. Burial place, 1st Presbyterian
Churchyard. Recorded
as first adult interment.
Skip to the Children of Abraham Finch and
Martha Couch
4. Elizabeth Finch (1669 - 1692)
Born November 14, 1669
Married Jonathan Pettit c. 1687
John Pettit was born Feb 23, 1656 in Stamford, Fairfield CT.
and died abt. 1720 Bedford, Worcester, New York.
Elizabeth Finch died 1692, Bedford, Worcester, New York
5. Martha Finch (1672 - ?)
Born June 19, 1672 in Stamford, CT
Children of ( II ) Isaac Finch and wife 2.) Hannah Webb
6. Rebecca Finch ( abt.1682 - ?)
Born March 17, abt. 1682 - 3
Included in Stamford Conn. Town
dated 4/6/1797
7. Sarah Finch (1686 - ?)
Born November 23, 1686
Included in Stamford Conn. Town
dated 4/6/1797
8. Jacob Finch (1691 - 1702)
Born October 9, 1691.
Died February (April?) 15, 1702 (age 10)
Included in Stamford Conn. Town
dated 4/6/1797
9. Benjamin Finch (1695 - ?)
Born June 29, 1695
Included in Stamford Conn. Town
dated 4/6/1797
Back To Top
( III ) Abraham Finch and wife, Martha Couch ( IV ) Isaac Finch (1696 - 1748 / 49)2. Nathaniel Finch (? - ?)
Children: Hannah Finch
(Born 1720 in Florida, Orange County, New York)
Daniel Finch
( Born 1731 in Florida, Orange County, New York)
3. Elizabeth Finch (1698-?)
Born may 15, 1698.
4. Solomon Finch (1700 - ?)
Born 1700
5. Others (as documented in Finch Family Tree)
Back To Top
( IV ) Isaac Finch and wife, Martha
2. Samuel Finch (1725 - ?)
Revolution Born 1725
Married Helena Rozencranz in 1752.
Fought in and survived, “Battle Of Wyoming Valley Pennsylvania”
July 3rd 1778. (fought at age 53, rank of Private) Noted in Hendrick
B. Wright’s book “Historical Sketches of Plymouth, Luzerne
County Pennsylvania” page 174. Name included on monument
erected along Route 11 in Luzerne County - Wyoming, PA.
Battle Of Wyoming
3. Abraham Finch (1727 - ?)
Born 1727 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Married Mary (?).
Died abt. 1757.
4. Daniel Finch (1730 - 1778)
Revolution Born 1730 in Goshen,
Orange County, New York.
Married Mary (Finch?) (widow of brother Abraham?).
Died July 3, 1778 in “Battle Of Wyoming Valley Pennsylvania
(age 48, rank of Private). Name included on monument erected
along Route 11 in Luzerne County - Wyoming, Pennsylvania.
Battle Of Wyoming
(Skip to next child of ( IV ) Isaac
and Martha Finch)
Children of Daniel Finch and Mary (Finch?):
Samuel Finch
Born December 15, 1757 in Goshen, Orange
County, New York.
Died March 6, 1838 in Lawrenceville, Tioga
County, Pennsylvania.
Married Mary (Polly) King in New York.
Mary was born July 26, 1770 in Bellville, NJ.,
and died March 2, 1841 in Albion, Michigan.
Children of Samuel Finch and Mary (Polly) King:
David Finch
Born June 27, 1788 in Pennsylvania.
Married Betsy Coykendall.
Children of David Finch and
Betsy Coykendall:
David J. Finch
David J. Finch
Served in the Civil War, 189th
Regiment, New York Infantry -
Company I, rank of Private.
Daughter Eva Jane Finch married
Brice Briggs Benson.
Eva Jane
Brice B. Benson
Lafayette Finch
Born March 1835 in Wyoming
County, N. Y.
Married Cornelia Roberts.
Children of Lafayette Finch
and Cornelia Roberts:
Florence Adelle Finch
Born May 19, 1867 in
Middlebury, Wyoming County,
New York.
[Children of Daniel Finch and Mary (Finch?) continued]
Loretta Finch
Born 1763-4 in Goshen, Orange County, NY.
Married Abraham Osborn abt. 1783.
Abraham was born abt. 1758 in New York.
Loretta Finch Osborn died in 1814 and is buried
in Cement City Cemetery, Jackson County, Michigan.
a photo of the gravesite] Photo courtesy of
Deb Hayes-Wolfe.
Daniel Finch
Born 1769 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Died August 15, 1841 in Ogden, Monroe County, NY.
Married Phebe (Finch?) Nov. 4, 1811 in NY.
Phebe died in 1845.
Lydia Finch
Born in 1772.
Married David Wandle abt. 1793.
David Wandle was born in 1759 and died in 1825.
Asahel Finch
Born Dec. 4, 1775 in Goshen, Orange County, NY.
Married Elizabeth Gilbert before 1799 in NY.
Elizabeth was the daughter of of Ebenezer Gilbert
and Ruth Carpenter.
(Children of ( IV ) Isaac
Finch and wife, Martha continued)
5. Hannah Finch (1732 - 1827)
Born 1732 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Married John Williams in 1761.
Died October 11, 1827 in Union Indiana (age 95)
6. John Finch (1735 - 1778)
Revolution Born 1735 in Goshen, Orange County, New York
Lived at Forty Fort, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Was a Physician.
Married Christiana Carpenter.
Christiana Carpenter was born abt.1740 in Jamaica, Queens,
Long Island, New York.
John Finch died July 3, 1778 in the Wyoming Valley Massacre,
(age 43, rank of Private). Per "Biographical
And Reminiscent
History Of Richland Clay And Marion Counties, Illinois 1909"
(page 212);
"He [John Finch] remained at to look after the families of his
brother Isaac and his own, and also their property; they were
then living in Wyoming Valley at Fort Forty."
John's name is included on
monument erected along Route 11 in
Luzerne County - Wyoming, PA.
NOTE: Following the death of John (and their son, Benjamin?),
Christiana Carpenter Finch is said to have walked with her
children, back to Orange County, New York, a distance
of approximately 100 miles. It is reported that they survived the
trip on nothing more than wild berries.
On January 10, 1779 (6 months after the Wyoming Massacre)
Christiana Carpenter Finch married Richard Woods, a farmer in
Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Christiana Carpenter Finch died July 29, 1825 in Orange County,
at the age of 86.
"Biographical And Reminiscent History Of Richland Clay
And Marion Counties, Illinois 1909" (page 212)
(skip to the next child of (IV)
Isaac and Martha Finch)
Children of John
Finch and Christian Carpenter:
Hannah Finch
(1760 - 1849)
Born 1760
Was 18 years of age during the Battle Of
Wyoming Valley.
Married Benjamin Carpenter Coleman July 25, 1780,
after returning to Orange County, New
with her mother.
Benjamin Finch
Born 1763.
Died with father, John Finch July 3, 1778 in the
Wyoming Valley Massacre (abt. age 15).
Eyewitness accounts report that Benjamin was
scalped near Shoemaker’s Mill.
Thaddeus Finch (1764 - ?)
Born April 2, 1764.
Isaac Finch (abt. 1765 - 1811)
Born abt. 1765 in Orange County, NY.
Died 1811 in Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ
Married Eunice (Unis) Rosecrans in
Church, Sussex, NJ.
Eunice Rosecrans was born 1760 in England.
Per a descendant's research notes:
"Eunice spent her years as a widow with
daughter and family. They lived in
County, NY until about 1834, when they
relocated to
Yates, Orleans, NY. Eunice
Rosecrans was buried, according to an article
the Aug. 1933 Lyndonville Enterprise, in a
private cemetery on the lakeshore property
her daughter [Christian] and son-in-law.
suggests that Eunice's date of death falls
1834 and the next census in 1840."
Children of Isaac Finch and Eunice Rosecrans:
Jedediah Finch
Born abt. 1781.
Married Elizabeth Sweze, December 15, 1802
in Sussex, New jesrsey.
Isaac Finch
Born October 21, 1789 in Wallkill, Orange
County, New York.
Died April 11, 1863 (age 73). in Delaware
Married Elizabeth Coykendall on April 9, 1814.
Elizabeth Coykendall was born October 20, 1796
in Sussex County, NJ. She was the daughter of
Harmon and Catherine (Beamer) Coykendall, and
died September 18, 1866 in Ohio.
Moved to Ohio in abt. 1818 with their two children,
Jesse & and Elizabeth, and entered land in Kingston
Note: Jesse Finch family record on file
(Above information courtesy of, Jeanette
Daniel Finch
Born 1790.
Died bef. 1745.
Married Elizabeth Van Sickle on
Jan. 3, 1811 in Sussex County, NJ.
Elizabeth was born1794.
Skip to next child of Isaac
Finch & Eunice Rosecrans
Children of Daniel Finch and
Elizabeth Van Sickle:
Daniel Evans Finch
Born 1819 in Delaware Co, OH.
Died 1889 in Nevada, Story Co, IA.
Married Eliza Jane Doty.
Eliza Jane was born 1823 Albany,
NY. and died 1868 in IA.
Children of Daniel Evans Finch
and Eliza Jane Doty:
Daniel Lambert Finch
Born1858 in Delaware Co, OH
Died 1913 in CO.
Married Ida May Clark in 1886
Ida May Clark was born in 1863
in IA.
Children of Daniel Lambert Finch and
Ida May Clark:
Burnell Willis Finch
Born 1890 in IA.
Died 1953 in IL.
Married Flora Dora Otto.
Children of Burnell Willis Finch
and Flora Dora Otto:
William Elmer Finch
Born 1913 in IL.
Children of William Elmer Finch:
Jean Ann Finch
Born 1941 in
Mt. Carmel, IL.
Children of Jean Ann Finch:
[Children of Isaac Finch and Eunice Rosecrans continued:]
Christian Finch ("Christine", "Christina")
Born abt. April 13, 1792.
Married David Coon August 25, 1810 in NJ.
Christina Finch Coon died sometime after
census, in Avoca, Steuben, NY. where she
resided with her eldest
son, Israel Coon.
Note: David Coon family
record on file at
(Information courtesy of, Sonja
Wendt )
Children of Christian Finch & David Coon:
Eunice Coon
Mathias Coon
Susan Ann Coon
Israel Coon
Mary Coon
George Coon
Lemira Coon
Rachel Coon
Edward M. Coon
John Finch
Born abt. 1793.
Married Elizabeth Cranston on November 25, 1815.
Lived in Yates County, New York
Skip to the next child of Isaac Finch and Eunice Rosecrans
Children of John Finch and Elizabeth Cranston
William Finch
Lived in Michigan.
Joseph R. Finch
Born March 16, 1820 in Sussex
County, NJ.
Died March 19, 1893 in Hartington,
Cedar, NE., and is buried in
Hartington City Cemetery.
Married Maria Matilda Vliet
abt. 1842 in Warren County, NY.
The History of Dupage County,
by by Rufus Blanchard, p. 96.
(Joseph R. Finch family information
provided courtesy of Donna Fawcett)
Children of Joseph and Maria Finch:
Joseph Warren Finch
Born 1843 in NY.
By 1880 had moved to
Boulder, Jefferson Co.
Joseph R. Finch
Born 1848 in NY
Married Helen (?) on
March 21, 1869 in Green
Co., WI.
By 1880 he was in German
Smith Co., Kansas.
Emma Alphena Finch
Born Apr. 15, 1850 in WI.
in Cook Co, Ill.
Married William Gillett on
Sept. 23, 1898 in Green
Co., WI.
Died January 25, 1931 in
WI. Buried in
Greenwood Cemetery -
Brodhead, WI.
Emanuel C. Finch
Born 1854
Married Alice (?)
By 1880 was living in
Ponca, Dixon, Nebraska.
Evangina Finch
Born ?
[Children of Isaac Finch and Eunice Rosecrans continued:]
Jesse Finch
Born abt. 1795.
Married Hannah (?)
[Children of ( IV ) Isaac Finch and wife, Martha Continued:]
7. Nathaniel Finch
(1737 - 1779)
Revolution Born 1737 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Died July 22, 1779 in the Battle of Minisink, Orange County,
New York (age 42).
8. Solomon Finch (1739 - 1779)
Revolution Born 1739 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Married Deborah Dunning on February 17, 1777.
Deborah was listed as a member of First Presbyterian Church
at Goshen in 1770.
Solomon Finch died July 22, 1779 in the Battle of Minisink,
Orange County, New York (Age 40).
Rank of Adjt. Wounded in leg.
Col. John Hathorn's Official Report.
9. Ruth Finch
(1741 - ?)
Born 1741 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Married James Ensign.
(James Ensign married Mary Carpenter on May 13, 1779.)
Children of Ruth Finch and James Ensign:
Osman Ensign
Born July 1, 1764.
Baptized June 26, 1774.
10. Elizabeth Finch
(1743 - ?)
Born 1743 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
The Pennamite wars were (in short) land disputes between the Connecticut
and Pennsylvania
settlers of Luzerne County, PA. The Second Pennamite war concluded in
1784, (6) years
following the Battle of Wyoming. At that time, the original Connecticut
settlers of Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania were ordered to vacate their properties, as the Continental
Congress Court of
Arbitration had officially granted the land to the state of Pennsylvania. In
1799, a Compromise
Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature "secured a means of settlement with the
Connecticut claimants".
Given the known history of the Finch family, it is assumed that
following the Pennamite wars,
(and/or the 1799 Compromise Act) the surviving children of ( V ) Isaac
Finch migrated
through Ohio, to north central Indiana in search of new land on which to
settle. As Indiana became a
state in 1816 and the Treaty of St. Mary's ("New Purchase") opened up
land previously inhabited
by the Delaware, Miami and Shawnee Indians, the rich prairie land along the
banks of the White River
in Hamilton County must have seemed an inviting destination.
additional history below:
Children of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney
1. Amy Finch (1761- abt.1852)
Born March 13, 1761, Orange County, New York
Died December 1, 1854. (Place of death and burial are yet unknown.)
Married 1.) Jonathan Bassett (date?).
Married 2.) Jonathan Webb in 1787, Goshen, Orange County, New York.
Jonathan Webb was born September 9, 1759 and was a Revolutionary War soldier.
It is believed that Webb was an Orderly Sgt. in the New York Military and
under Capt. Weasoner and Col. Hatfield.
Jonathan Webb died in the fall of 1815, the same year he and Amy moved from
Orange County,
New York to Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana with Amy's brothers, Moses, John
& Solomon Finch.
It is believed that he is buried in Presbyterian Cemetery, Brookville, Franklin
County, Indiana.
Amy Finch Webb applied for a widow's pension July 22, 1843 (age 82), in in the
home of her daughter,
Rebecca (Finch) Budd in Brookville, Franklin County Indiana. The application was
subsequently denied.
Per that file: State of Indiana - Franklin County "I, Henry berry, Judge
of Probate Court in
and for the State of aforesaid Do certify that Amy Webb was on this day by me
duly sworn and
in my presence subscribed the foregoing Declaration and I further certify that
said Amy Webb
is unable from bodily infirmity to attend said court at the usual place of
sitting. Given under
my hand this 22 day of July 1843.
Per the bible of Anna Parker Basset, and The History of Stamford,
by Elijah Baldwin Huntington,
Amy Finch Bassett Web died December 1, 1854.
Given the above court record and statement of Amy Webb's infirmity, it is
possible that Amy Finch
lived the rest of her days, died and was buried in or near Brookville, Franklin
County, Indiana.
However, the 1850 Augusta Township, Des Moines County, Iowa census, lists "Amery Webb", female,
90 living in the Alvin C. Graves household. Alvin C. Graves was the
husband of Amy's daughter,
Elizabeth Webb (Graves). The research of Duane
R. Finch
coupled with supplemental documentation
provided by the Des Moines County Genealogical Society, suggests that the
"Amery Webb" enumerated
in the 1850 Des Moines County census may have in fact been Amy Finch Bassett
Webb. If so, and
assuming Amy Finch Bassett Webb's "infirmity" was temporary, she
could well have relocated to Iowa
prior to the taking of the 1852 Des Moines
County census, and would then likely be buried in the old
Augusta Cemetery,
Augusta, Iowa. NOTE:
Though a 1978 headstone documentation project did not
reveal Amy Finch Bassett Webb's grave site, it did
record a stone for
"Amy A. Graves, age 1 year,
6 months, 6 days" who died September 18,
1849. Amy A. Graves
was the great-granddaughter of
Amy Finch Webb.
As for a third theory that "in 1851, at age of 90, Amy Finch Webb removed to Niles Michigan,
brother, Moses Finch Sr." ... to date, no
supporting documentation has surfaced.
See: "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried In Indiana - A Supplement" Waters
- 1954.
Skip to next child of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney.
See: History of Stamford by Elijah Baldwin Huntington. Biog:
177269,378. Entry 323-112.
Children of Amy Finch and Jonathan Bassett:
John Bassett
Born January 11, 1779 in Geneva, New York .
Died April 15, 1834 in Russellville, Byrd Township, Brown County, Ohio.
Married (1.) Sabra Witter, daughter of Elijah and Elizabeth (Story)
on March 10, 1801.
Sabra Witter was born December 21, 1782, and died August 26, 1815.
Married (2.) Anna Parker, daughter of Phineas and Louise (Southworth)
Parker on February 15, 1816.
Anna Parker was born March 6, 1791 in Mansfield (Tolland) Connecticut,
and died November 12,1865 in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana, where
she is buried in City Cemetery next to her daughter Hester Ann Wills Bone,
and first husband Willis Wills (headstones no longer standing).
John Bassett's burial place is yet unknown.
Children of John Bassett and Sabra Witter:
Elijah Witter Bassett
Born August 22, 1802.
Married Anna Snedaker October 14, 1826 in Brown County, OH.
Died in October 1847.
Peninnah Bassett
Born September 28, 1804.
Married Christian Snedaker on October 3, 1822 in Georgetown,
Brown County, Ohio.
Died November 12, 1840.
Arminda Bassett
Born July 20, 1812.
Married John Ewing.
Arminda Bassett died december 18, 1833.
John Ewing died may 1835 (age 28 years).
Children of John Bassett and Anna Parker:
Orin Bassett
Born August 17, 1817 Geneva, Ontario County, New York.
Married 1.) Margaret Moore March 17, 1836, in Russellville,
Brown County, Ohio.
Married 2.) Jane Avaline Parker.
Married 3.) Mrs. Sarah Packard on September 9, 1889 in Tonica,
LaSalle County, Illinois.
Orin Bassett died in November 1899 in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
John Parker Bassett
Born October 8, 1819 in Ohio.
Married Ann Reese on April 26, 1842 in Brown County, Ohio.
Amy S. Bassett
Born December 10, 1821.
Married J. C. Reese.
Died June 12, 1847, age 25 years 24 days.
Buried in Baird Burial Grounds, Brown County, Ohio
Hester Ann Bassett
Born March 19, 1824.
Married 1.) Willis Wills on September 18, 1843.
Willis Wills died June 12, 1847.
Married 2.) William Bone in June 1870.
Hester Ann Bassett died June 3, 1891, and is buried in Shelbyville,
Indiana, where husband William Bone had been postmaster.
Brazilla Bassett
Born July 2, 1826 in Ohio.
Married Lucinda J. Mead on march 30, 1854 in Greensburg, IN.
Died August 21, 1907 in Normal, Illinois.
Mary A. Bassett
Born March 31, 1829.
Married William Baughman on February 26, 1846 in Brown
County, Ohio.
Died February 17 1874.
[Children of Amy Finch and Jonathan Bassett continued:]
Hannah Bassett
Born October 2, 1781
Children of Amy Finch and Jonathan Webb
Mary Webb
Born April 4, 1789
Married John Carson in Benton Center, Yates County, New York.
Brazillia Webb
Born April 2, 1791
Served in the War of 1812, Davis Regiment, New York Militia.
Married Cynthia Scott in Franklin County, Indiana on May 29, 1823.
Rebekah Webb
Married Daniel Budd.
Lived in Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana.
Born August 22, 1793
Johnathan Bassett Webb
Born October 4, 1795
Matilda Webb
Born May 30, 1798
Elizabeth (Betsy) Webb
Born November 18, 1800
Married Alvin C. Graves on June 24, 1816.
Per 1850 census, the Graves family was living in Augusta,
Des Moines County, Iowa. Living with them at the time was
"Amery Webb", female, age 90. (Mother, Amy Webb?)
Alvin C. Graves died in Iowa, sometime between 1853-1854.
Nathaniel Webb
Born March 24, 1803
Married Amelia Young on November 30, 1830 in Floyd County, Indiana.
[Children of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney continued]
2. Isaac Kinney Finch (1763-1848)
Born February 25, 1763 in Orange County, New York.
1776, moved to Pittston, Plains Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Married Sarah Tompkins October 19, 1789, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Sarah Tompkins was born October 10, 1768.
Isaac served in the Revolutionary War.
Was a soldier in Capt. Elisha Hopkins Company, New York Militia,
from February 1, to
December 31, 1781”,
per, "Our Ancestors" by Ernest B. Cole.
Note: Original Family Tree
lists that same statistic under the
name of (V) Isaac Finch.
March 27, 1793, Isaac acted as administrator of his father's estate.
1800 census lists Isaac Finch in Exeter Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
In 1809, Isaac and Sarah Finch moved to Greenfield Township, Lakawanna County,
and later opted not to move westward to Indiana with brothers John, Moses Sr.
and Solomon Finch.
Sarah Tompkins died October 27, 1846 (age 78).
Isaac Kinney died in March 10, 1848, Clifford, Wayne County, Pennsylvania (age 85).
Isaac Finch and Sarah (Tompkins) Finch are buried in Greenfield Cemetery,
Clifford, Pennsylvania.
See: History of Luzerne County Pennsylvania. H. C. Bradsby,
S. B. Nelson & Co., Publishers, 1893 (Chapter XII, pg. 373).
Skip to next child of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney.
Children of Isaac K. Finch and Sarah Tompkins:
Isaac Burton Finch (Capt.)
Born November 20, 1789.
Married (1.) Betsey Weeks of Cayuga County, NY., with whom Isaac had
eight children.
Married (2.) Lucinda Swallow, with whom Isaac had five children.
Served in the War of 1812, rank of Captain.
Moved from New York to Luzerne County, PA.
Died April 14, 1860.
Nathaniel Finch
Born February 3, 1792.
Married Eleanor Simrall on December 15, 1813.
Eleanor was the daughter of William and Bethiah (Owen) Simrall.
Nathaniel and Eleanor Finch resided in Abington Township,
Luzerne County, PA in 1813
Nathaniel Finch died June 20, 1884.
John Gardner Finch
Born May 19, 1794 in Pennsylvania.
Married Martha Hutchins.
Martha Hutchins was born abt. 1795, and died (?) in Luzerne County, PA.
John Gardner Finch died January 16, 1886 in Lackawanna County, PA.
"Fanny" (Mary) Finch
Born February 1, 1797 in Pittston Township, Luzerne County, PA.
Married Leonard Spencer in 1818.
Fanny and Leonard resided in Luzerne County, PA., and had eight children.
Leonard Spencer died February 1, 1887.
Fanny Finch Spencer lived beyond the age of ninety.
History of Luzerne County.
Carpenter Finch
Born November 21, 1799 in Pittston Twsp., Providence, Luzerne County, PA.
Died may 5, 1852 - age 48 years, six months and 19 days.
Buried at Greenfield Cemetery.
Julia Finch
Born April 23, 1802 in Pittston Twsp., Providence, Luzerne County, PA.
Married (?) Foster.
Lavina Finch Benson - age 100
Centenarian Anniversary Celebration
March 16, 1905 - Whitehall, Wisconsin
Lavina Finch
Born March 16, 1805 in Pittston Twsp., Providence, Luzerne County, PA.
Married Wandell Benson November 6, 1831.
Wandell Benson was born November 25, 1798 in New York.
Lavina and Wandell Moved from Pennsylvania to Janesville, Wisconsin
1842, traveling by wagon team.
The couple later moved to Dane and Columbia counties.
Wandell assisted in the building of Wisconsin's first railroad system,
the Prairie du Chien Railroad.
Wandell Benson died in Columbia County, Wisconsin on his birthday,
November 25, 1876, and is believed to be buried in Dekorra.
Lavina Finch Benson died Tuesday, November 17, 1908 in Whitehall,
Wisconsin after having succumbed to a cold several days prior.
She passed at age 103 years, 8 months and 1 day. Funeral services
held at the M. E. Church with Rev. Charles Chalfant officiating.
Lavina Finch Benson was buried at Lincoln Cemetery, Whitehall, Trempeau
County, Wisconsin.
Wandell Benson and Lavina Finch had four children. Their first child
died in
infancy. Other children include; Dorothy (Benson) Harris, Martha
(with whom Lavina lived for thirty years of her widowhood) and Mary P.
(Benson) Quackenbush, all of Wisconsin.
Sally Finch
Born May 4, 1808.
Married William Mason.
Died in 1888.
Solomon Finch
Born November 4, 1810.
Married (1.) Catherine (?)
Married (2.) Anne (?)
Solomon Finch died sometime after 1880 in Lackawanna County, PA.
Polly Finch
Born July 5, 1813.
Married (?) Whipple.
[Children of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney continued]
3. Enoch (Enos) Finch (1765- 1813)
Born in 1766.
Died in 1813, just before he and his brothers were to move
westward to Indiana.
Believed to have had a wife and two children at the time of
his death.
Per Oct 16, 1899 letter from James Gardner Finch to cousin,
Benoni Wheeler Finch,
(Enoch) "died close to our house as they were preparing
to come west. I can recollect
going to their house whilst he was sick, with mother.
There was snow on the ground
and they were straining honey."
4. ( VI )
John Finch (1767 - 1849)
Judge John Finch
Orange County, New York
[unknown artist]
Photo courtesy of Conner Prairie Museum
John Finch was born May 6, 1767 in Goshen, Orange County, New York.
He was 11 years old during the Battle Of Wyoming Valley, PA.
In adulthood, John was described as being six feet tall, 170 pounds, with
fair skin and black eyes.
1st wife, Elizabeth Green in August 17, 1787. Elizabeth (Green)
Finch died bef. Oct. 1797.
2nd wife, Jemima Overton October 12, 1797. Jemima (Overton) Finch
was was born
December 25, 1775, and died sometime prior to April 1806.
3rd wife, Mehitable Brown Chapman on April 25,
Mehitable was born May 12, 1776, Orange County, New York.
She was previously married to Nathan Chapman on Feb. 13, 1800
Nathan Chapman died July 18, 1804, while Mehitable was pregnant with
their 3rd child.
Children of Nathan Chapman and Mehitable Brown Chapman:
Amasa Chapman
Born Dec. 13, 1800
Died in August 1819, Horseshoe Prairie - Hamilton County, Indiana.
Elizabeth Chapman
Born November 3, 1802
Married William Conner (of Conner
Prairie ) in November of 1820
Died Dec. 14, 1891 (age 89)
Nathan Chapman
Born November 3, 1804
Married Phebe (Phoebe?) Mills on March 23, 1823
Married Emily Reed January 9, 1833
Mehitable Brown Chapman Finch was buried with John Finch in Riverside Cemetery
Noblesville, Indiana (section G, Row 20 Marker #5)
John Finch fathered 17 children, (from the time he was 23 up until his 51st year)
1800 census indicated that John Finch was a resident of Seneca County, New York.
In 1810, per census records, John Finch was a resident of Caldonia, Genesee
County, New York.
Was a blacksmith in the War of 1812.
1813, Lived in North Bend, Ohio, where he purchased land adjacent to that of
William J. Harrison.
Known to have lived in Muncie, IN., Anderson, IN., Connersville, Indiana (abt.
and Noblesville, Hamilton County Indiana, where he moved his family in August
of 1819.
John settled on Horseshoe Prairie, six months following his brother, Solomon's
arrival there.
John Finch was one of the (2) first Associate Judges in Hamilton County, Indiana (the other
William Blackmore)
He was Associate Judge 1823-1829 Probate & Common Pleas.
Built the first mill in Hamilton County, which was run by horse-power, and
known as "Finch's Horse-mill".
Started first Blacksmith shop in Hamilton County.
Said to have been a "fine mechanic and good blacksmith".
First sermon preached to white settlers, took place in the home of John Finch in
Baptist services were held there until 1832, when John moved to Wayne Township,
[Noblesville, IN.].
The congregation met at his new home as well as other private residences, until
John Conner
donated a lot on the corner of Ninth and Cherry Street.
John Finch died September 25, 1849 (age 82) in
Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Mehitable Brown (Chapman) Finch died November 18-24, 1846 in Noblesville,
Hamilton Co., IN.
Originally interred on his family farm, John Finch was later moved to Riverside Cemetery
Hamilton County, Indiana along with his wife Mehitable Brown Chapman. (Sect.G, Row 20 Marker #4).
Will dated January 26, 1841; probated January 12, 1850, Hamilton County,
"I give to my wife Mehitable household furniture, etc... To each of my
children, Elizabeth Davidson,
Sarah Palmer, Margaret Thompson, Rebecca Hall, Fabius M. Finch, Angeline
Williams, ---- to my
children, Jubal, John, Cyrus, Laura, and Hiram, H.G. and Fabius M. Executors."
John owned "Old Finch Farm" in Hamilton County, Indiana which was
located South of Route 38,
west of Boden Road and north of 166th street - about 2 miles east of
Noblesville, Indiana.
Finch Cemetery was located on that property and later, when the property sold to
Alfred J. Sohl,
several graves from that Finch cemetery were moved to Riverside cemetery in
Skip to the Children of John Finch and (3)
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Development Of Hamilton County" by
Augustus Finch Shirts copyright 1901
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
History Of Durbin Elementary School
Riverside Cemetery Records
5. Rebecca Finch
Born in 1769, Orange County, New York.
Married Mr. DeVee.
Moses Finch Sr.
6. Moses Finch Sr. (1771-1860)
Born April 15, 1771 in Wyoming, Pennsylvania.
Described in adulthood as being very white haired, with skin fairer than his
brother Solomon.
Married (1.) Sarah Brannon in 1789, daughter of Charles Brannon and Margaret
Sarah Brannon was born August 18, 1774, and died June 17, 1831 in Henry County, Indiana.
1800 and 1810 census records indicate Moses was living in Seneca, Ontario
County, New York.
In 1804, Moses was dismissed from the Church at Wheatland, New York.
1830 census records Moses Finch as a resident of Henry County, Indiana.
Moses Finch Sr. married (2.) Miranda (Everts) Granger abt.1832
in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Miranda (Everts) Granger was born 1791 in Vermont, and moved to
Hamilton County, Indiana with her first husband, Chester
Calvin Granger,
with whom she had eight children.
Chester Calvin Granger died Aug. 24, 1830.
The youngest of Miranda and Chester Granger's children, was Sarah Ann Granger.
Sarah Ann Granger married Lucien Brannon Finch,
son of this Moses Finch Sr.
Once married, Moses and Miranda Finch resided on 160 acres of land once
by Miranda's late husband Chester Calvin Granger.
In 1850, at the age of 80, Moses Finch left Miranda (Everts) Granger Finch,
to live with his son Nathaniel
Finch, in Koshkonong, Jefferson County Wisconsin.
By the 1860 census, Moses was living with son, Abraham
Wheeler Finch, in
Spring Valley, Fillmore County,
Miranda (Everts) Granger Finch remained in Noblesville, Hamilton County,
where she died March 16,1863. She is buried in Granger family plot
at Riverside Cemetery,
Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. (View
grave marker)
Moses Finch died April 15, 1860, ( age 89) in Spring Valley, Fillmore
County, Minnesota, at the
home of his son, Abraham Wheeler Finch,
is buried at Watson Creek Cemetery, Fillmore County, Minnesota.
See: "A History and Genealogy of the Finch
Family of Berrien County, Michigan",
by Alice Burridge Hobart. Copyright
January 1, 1964, Piquet (publisher).
(Skip to children of Moses
Finch and Miranda Granger)
(Skip to the next child of
(V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney)
Note: Moses Finch family information and photos, courtesy of Duane
Richard Finch.
Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon:
Kinney Finch
Born September 6, 1790, in New York.
Hannah Deyo.
Died march 27, 1853.
Charles Brannon Finch
Born April 19, 1792 in
New York.
Wounded in the War of 1812.
Married about 1812 to (1.) Isabel Hartford.
Isabel Hartford was born in 1793 and died in 1844.
Married (2.) Hepsabah Briggs in 1848, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
Hepsabah Briggs died in 1850.
Charles Brannon Finch died September 11, 1851 in, Koshkonong,
Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
(NOTE: Family Group Sheet on file for Charles Brannon Finch.)
(Skip to next child of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon)
Children of Charles Brannon Finch and Isabel Hartford:
Marcellus Finch
Born February 2, 1813.
Married Elizabeth (?)
Died February 14, 1868 (age 55).
Buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Watertown, Wisconsin.
Born February 16, 1815.
Was a carpenter and a farmer.
Married Anna Briggs on September 26, 1844.
Died October 1, 1892 (age 77).
Daniel C. Finch
Born February 14, 1817 in Indiana.
At abt. age 17, was a participant in the infamous
"Fighting Finches" episode.
Was a farmer, but described by some as being a gypsy type.
Married (1.) Frances A. Craig in 1849.
Frances A. Craig was born in 1831 and died in 1860
Married (2.) widow, Sarah A. (Thompson) Macey on
March 20, 1861 in Cambridge, Iowa.
Sarah Thompson was born in 1833 and died in 1880.
Married (3.) Sarah J. Wills on November 28, 1880.
Sarah J. Wills was born in 1833 and died (?).
Daniel C. Finch is said to have moved from Iowa to
Arkansas, with Sarah J. Wills.
Married (4.) (name?), and moved back to Iowa.
[Skip to next child of Charles Brannon Finch
and Isabel Hartford]
Children of Daniel C. Finch and (1) Francis Craig:
Emeline Coyt Finch
Born July 17, 1849.
Died November 25, 1911.
Marcus W. Finch
Born 1851.
Married Percinia Bowman.
Percinia was born in 1865.
Marcus and Percina Finch had two children:
1.) Bertha Finch - born 1883.
2.) Charles H. Finch - born Oct. 30, 1884.
Daniel Francis Finch
Born June 1853.
Married Ida (?)
Daniel and Ida Finch had five children:
Louis Finch - born June, 1884.
Child - born June 1886.
Maude Finch - born January, 1890.
Clifford Finch - born February, 1896.
Fern Finch - born April, 1899.
Sarah Olivia Finch
Born August 1854.
Died October 4, 1875.
Children of Daniel C. Finch and (2) Sarah Thompson Macey:
Frances "Fannie" Finch (twin)
Born December 21, 1861.
Married John Corkins Nov. 4, 1882.
John Corkins was born about 1855.
Francis "Frank" Finch
Francis "Frank" Finch (twin)
Born December 21, 1861.
Married Lillian Jane Stevens Dec. 23, 1885.
Lillian was born Nov. 7, 1862 and died
Aug. 22, 1928.
Francis Finch died March 24, 1943.
Francis Finch family information provided
courtesy of Earlene Zinner
[Skip to next child of Daniel C.
and Sarah Finch]
Children of Francis and Lillian Finch:
Children of Daniel C. Finch and (2) Sarah Thompson
Macey continued:
Grant Finch Family abt. 1907
Grant Finch
Born August 24, 1864.
Married Anna Beckwith Nov. 25, 1885.
Anna was born July 1, 1864 and died
November 26, 1930.
Grant Finch died August 5, 1940.
Grant and Anna Finch had seven children:
1.) Elizabeth Finch - born Dec. 20, 1886.
2.) Daniel H. Finch - born Oct. 1888.
3.) Clayton J. Finch - born July, 1892.
4.) Bruce Finch - born April, 1894.
5.) Bertha Finch - born August, 1896.
6.) Sidney Francis Finch - born June 28, 1900.
7.) Lois Finch - born 1905.
For more information on the Grant Finch
Family line, contact Susan (Finch) Laymon
John Rud Finch
Born May 28 1868 in Cambridge, Story Co. Iowa:
Died September 14 1942 Paducah, Cottle, Texas
(Uremic Toxemia)
Married Nancy Caroline McDade. Born June 1874
Bradleyville, Taney Co. Missouri:
Died March 20, 1933 Paducah, Cottle, Texas
(Burned in house fire)
John and Nancy had the following children:
1) Edna Finch born May 20, 1893 Woodford, OK
2) Essie Finch born Feb 3 1896 Woodford, OK
3) Arlin Richard Finch, Sr. born Nov. 1898 Woodford, OK
4) Ethel Finch born Sept 30,1900 Woodford, OK
5) Oda Finch born Nov. 28,1902 Woodford, OK
6) Thomas Finch born Feb 7, 1905
7) Floyd Finch born May 15, 1906 Paducah, TX
8) Pearl Finch born March 19, 1909 Paducah, TX
9) Noel Douglas (Bill) Finch born May 10, 1911 Paducah, TX
10) John Alden (Jack) Finch born October 21, 1915
For more information on the John Rud Finch
Family line, contact
ReGina M. Finch- Tollett
Family of John Rud Finch & wife
Nancy & youngest child John Alden Finch
Children of Daniel C. Finch and (2) Sarah Thompson Macey continued:
Elizabeth Finch
Born August 1869.
Died May 13, 1873.
Cassius Marcellus
Finch Inez Redding Finch
Cassius Marcellus Finch
Born January 4, 1871 in Cambridge,
Storey County, Iowa.
Settled in the town of Milo in the Chickasaw
Nation and was a farmer there.
Married Inez "Nezza" Redding.
M. Finch died
July 12th, 1916 in Milo,
Carter County,
Note: For more information on the
Daniel C. and Cassius M. Finch family line,
contact: Alan Finch
Children of Cassius M. Finch and Inez Redding:
Richard James Finch
Born July 12, 1901.
Died May 18, 1957.
Charley Lee Finch
Born January 17, 1904.
Died January 8, 1986.
Lucy Ellen Finch.
Born June 15, 1906.
Died September 17, 1980.
George William Finch
Born September 1, 1908.
Died September 17, 1980.
Cammie Finch
Born October 22, 1910.
Grant Finch
Born May 8, 1913.
Died April 19, 1993.
Cassius Marcellus Finch Jr.
Born April 9, 1916.
Died September 8, 1966.
Children of Charles Brannon Finch and Isabel
Hartford continued:
Olivia Finch
Born June 21, 1821 in Franklin County, Indiana.
Married David Gardner on August 12, 1848 in Wisconsin.
David Gardner died in 1860.
Olivia Finch Gardner died about 1886, and is buried in
Walnut Grove Cemetery.
Eloise Finch
Born September 14, 1824.
Married (1.) (?) Davis in 1853.
Married (2.) Hal Silas in 1864.
Charles Brannon Finch Jr.
Born September 24, 1829 in Indiana.
Married Nancy Caroline Chipman on April 21, 1888.
Charles Brannon Finch Jr. died January 7, 1911 in
Eureka, California, (age 81) and is buried near
Eureka CA., in Myrtle Grove Cemetery.
Francis Mortimer Finch
Born February 12, 1835 in Niles, Berrien County, Michigan.
Was a farmer.
Married Mary Watt on September 23, 1860 in Madison, WI.
Mary Watt was born October 16,1841 in Ayshire, Scotland
and was the daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Johnston)
Watt. [Note: The Watt family was of Scottish Descent, and
first settled in Ames, Iowa, upon coming to the U.S.]
Francis M. Finch died October 10, 1892 in Ames, Story
County, Iowa, and is buried in Ames Municipal Cemetery,
Ames, Iowa.
Mary Watt Finch died February 25, 1931 in Phoenix AZ.,
where she is buried.
Note: Francis M. Finch Family Group Sheet on file at
Francis M. Finch
Children of Francis M. Finch and Mary Watt:
Charles Johnston Finch
Born August 28, 1862.
Married (1.) Sadie Heaverland in 1888 in
Welcome, Wyoming.
Sadie Heaverland was born 1866, and died
in 1898.
Married (2.) Alice Maude Flint Feb. 12,1902.
Alice Maude Flint was born in 1878,and
died in 1962.
Charles Johnston Finch died Sept. 23, 1933
in Spearfish, Lawrence County, South Dakota.
Mary Elizabeth Finch
Born June 3,1864.
Died September 18, 1865.
Mary Elizabeth Finch is buried in
Ames, Story County, Iowa
Calvin Benton Finch
Born March 27, 1866 in Story County, IA.
Was a farmer.
Married Matilda Graham on Oct. 31, 1892
in Ames, Story County, IA.
Matilda Graham was born 1875 and died
in 1943.
Calvin Benton Finch died on Dec. 15, 1956
in Gilmore Nursing Home, Nevada, IA.
Note: Calvin Benton Family Group Sheet on
file at
Skip to the next child of Francis M. Finch and Mary
Children of Calvin and Matilda Finch:
Fred Finch
Born August 4, 1907 in Kelly,
Story County, Iowa.
Was a farmer.
Married Florence Phillips on
January 20, 1932 in Bethany, MO.
Florence Phillips was born
March 8, 1912 in Sheldahl, Iowa,
and was the daughter of Charles
Lawrence Phillips and
Fae D, (Harden) Phillips.
Fred Finch died March 20, 1972,
and is buried in Kelley Community
Cemetery, Kelley Iowa.
Florence (Phillips) Finch died
April 19, 2006 in Kelley, Iowa and
is buried in Kelley Community Cem.,
Kelley, Iowa. (See obituary)
Note: Fred Finch Family Group
Sheet on file at
Children of Fred and Florence Finch:
Betty Joan Finch
Married Scott Arnold Krane.
Duane Richard Finch
Married Barbara Ann Feller.
Ronald Dean Finch
Married Jean Soderstrum.
[Children of Francis M. Finch and Mary Watt, continued:]
Annabell Finch
Born March 4, 1868 in Story County, IA.
Married Mahlon Sims Sept. 16, 1888 in
Story County, IA.
Mahlon Sims was born 1859 and died 1946.
Annabell Finch died November 24, 1921 in
Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, and is
buried in Ames Municipal Cemetery, Ames,
Marcellus Deo Finch
Born February 5, 1870 in Story County,
Was a Stagecoach Driver.
Married (1.) Sarah Johnston on Dec. 24,
1902 in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Sarah Johnston was born 1872 and died
in 1930.
Married (2.) Catherine Hopkins March 2,
1934 in Long Beach, CA.
Marcellus Deo Finch died September 20,
1963 in Long Beach, CA., and is buried in
Inglewood Park, Cemetery Inglewood, CA.
Leila Katherine Finch
Born Dec. 5, 1874 in Story County, IA.
Married Harry Wilson on Dec. 28, 1892 in
Story County, Iowa.
Harry Wilson was born 1865 and died 1951.
Leila Katherine Finch died in 1954.
Francis Truman Finch
Born June 4, 1878 in Story County, IA.
Married Susanna May Cunningham on
October 11, 1899.
Susanna May Cunningham was born 1876
and died 1944.
Francis Truman Finch died April 29, 1905,
in Phoenix Arizona, and is buried in Ames
Municipal Cemetery, Ames, Iowa.
Ella Nancy Finch
Born Sept. 24, 1883 in Story County, IA.
Married Harvey Orlando Lyman on
September 24, 1901 in Ames, Story County,
Harvey Orlando Lyman was born 1879 and
died 1948.
Ella Nancy Finch died August 10, 1924
in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona,
where she is buried.
[Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon,
Wheeler Finch
Born September 4, 1794 in New York.
Charity Hildreth Woodworth on April 28, 1815 in Franklin
County, Indiana.
Raised two nephews, Lucien Bonaparte Finch and
Abraham Finch, as their own. These boys were sons
of Lucien Brannon Finch and Sarah Ann
(Granger) Finch.
Abraham Wheeler Finch later lived in Spring Valley, Fillmore County,
Abraham Wheeler Finch died July 23, 1861.
Children of Abraham W. Finch and Charity Woodworth:
Sarah Ann Finch
Married Gibson Essington
Had nine children.
Wheeler Finch
Born March 18, 1797 in New York.
Married 1.) Elizabeth Tyner on October 16, 1816 in Franklin
County, Indiana. (See
IN. State Library Records.)
Per Sarah Gardner Finch (wife of Solomon), Elizabeth Tyner
was a "lazy and untidy" woman.
Married 2.) Elizabeth Holliman.
Elizabeth Holliman was born in 1805 in Mississippi.
Lived in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Raised niece, Sarah M. Finch after the death of her parents,
Lucien Brannon Finch and Sarah Ann (Granger)
Benoni Wheeler Finch died in 1851.
(Skip to next child of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon)
Children of Benoni Wheeler Finch and Elizabeth Holliman.
John H. Finch
John H. Finch
Born May 18, 1835 in Niles, Berrien County, Michigan.
Was a farmer.
1850, was a laborer in Portage County, Wisconsin.
Married Malinda Barrett in 1855.
Malinda Barrett was born Feb. 28, 1838 in Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
Was a river pilot in 1860, Stevens Point, Portage
County, WI.
1877 and 1882, elected sheriff of Stevens Point,
Portage County, WI.
John H. Finch died May 18, 1908 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
following a prolonged illness brought on by a series of
three strokes.
Children of John H. Finch and Malinda Barrett
Frank F. Finch
Born 1857 in Wisconsin.
Miriam (or Marion) Finch
Born June / July 1859 in Wisconsin.
Elizabeth A. Finch
Born 1860 - 1861 in Wisconsin.
Carrie E. Finch
Born 1862 - 1863 in Wisconsin.
Henry J. Finch
Born 1864 - 1865 in Wisconsin.
Ada L. Finch
Born 1866 - 1867 in Wisconsin.
Robert B. Finch
Born 1869 in Wisconsin.
Merle E. Finch
Born 1876 - 1879 in Wisconsin.
John H. Finch
Born January 18-19, 1883, in Portage
County, Wisconsin.
[Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon,
Finch Jr.
1799, New York.
1.) Hulda Gardner April 30, 1820 in Franklin County, Indiana.
2.) Harriet Hurlburt.
Children of Moses Finch Jr. and (wife ?)
Benoni W. Finch
Was a Civil War
Served in the 34th
Iowa Infantry, Co. I
Rank of Private.
Benoni W. Finch
[Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon, continued]
Wheeler Finch
1801, New York.
Brannon Finch
July 8, 1804 in Genesee County, New York.
Was a farmer.
(1.) Hannah Lauman January 11, 1827 in Wayne County, Indiana.
Married (2.) Eunice French on July 25, 1837 in Wisconsin.
Eunice French was born in January 1805, and died February 20, 1843.
Married (3.) Miranda B. Converse on May 20, 1844.
Married (4.) Emily M. Slade on May 19, 1852.
Divorced Emily Slade in September 1858.
Lived in Lima Iowa, Westfield Township in 1860, per census
Was a Civil War soldier.
Served in as a Private in the 37th Iowa
Infantry, Co. K.
Also known as "The
Graybeard Regiment", as the unit was comprised of
able men no younger than 45, many of whom exceeded 65 years of age.
Mustered in December 15, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 27,
at Cincinnati, Ohio
James Brannon Finch died August 18, 1879 in West Union Iowa.
He is Buried in West Union Cemetery, West Union Iowa.
(Skip to the next child of Moses Finch and Sarah
Children of James Brannon Finch and (1.) Hannah Lauman:
Rebecca M. Finch
Born 1828.
Married (1.) George Ward.
In 1853, Rebecca Finch and George Ward moved from
Jefferson County, Wisconsin to Fayette County, Iowa.
George Ward enlisted in the U.S. Army on February 29, 1864.
He was killed in Georgia, August 1864.
M (Finch) Ward married (2.) Isaac Aspland, a farmer
from Fayette County, Iowa, on July 25, 1867.
Isaac Aspland died in 1898. Rebecca Finch and Isaac Aspland
had no children.
Rebecca M. Finch died 1912, and is buried in Lima Cemetery,
Fayette County, Iowa.
Clay Columbus
Clay Columbus Finch
Born November 2, 1830 in McHenry County, Illinois.
Was a farmer and a stock raiser.
1853, moved to Fayette County, Iowa, "with 25 cents
in his pocket.", and by 1878 "owned 160 acres of land
in Fayette County, Iowa, valued at $4,800."
Was a Republican.
Married Sarah A. Gibbon on April 22, 1857.
Sarah Gibbon was born January 25, 1836, and died
November 14, 1910.
Clay Columbus Finch died November 16, 1915 in Fayette
County, Iowa.
Clay and Sarah (Gibbon) Finch are buried in Grandview
Cemetery, Fayette County, Iowa.
See: "History Of Fayette County, Iowa" p. 639
Note: for more information on the Clay Columbus Finch line,
contact: Margie
Children of Clay Columbus Finch and Sarah
William Gibbon Finch
Born March 31, 1858 in Iowa.
Judith Finch
Born November 23, 1860 in Iowa.
James Duane Finch
Born September 16, 1861 in Illyria,
Fayette County, Iowa.
Hannah Finch
Born July 3, 1865 in Iowa.
Mae E. Finch
Born May 27, 1866 in Iowa
Josey Pella Finch
Born October 10, 1868 in Iowa.
Alice F. Myrtle Finch
Born June 18, 1877 in Iowa.
[Children of James Brannon Finch and Hannah Lauman continued:]
Daughter (?)
Died as a child.
Nancy H. Finch
Nancy H. Finch
Born March 7, 1836 in Richmond County, Indiana.
In 1853, moved with her father from Jefferson County,
Wisconsin to Fayette County, Iowa.
Was said to have been "a woman of fine business ability
and a strong maturity and retained her mental faculties
to the last day of her life. She was a great lover of nature
and particularly birds - always providing food and water
for their sustenance."
Married (1.) E. E. Chandler on September 15, 1855.
E. E. Chandler was killed in the Civil War.
Married (2.) Capt. Jacob Swank, after his return from the
Civil War.
Capt. Jacob Swank died in August 1875 from wounds suffered
during the Civil War.
Married (3.) William Cowles on November 5, 1883.
William Cowles died December 3, 1895.
Married (4.) Ranson S. Niles in 1901.
Ranson S. Niles died in 1915.
Nancy H. Finch died March 18, 1920 in Fayette County,
Iowa and is buried in the West Union Iowa Cemetery.
[Children of James Brannon Finch and (2.) Eunice French:]
Burns Brannon Finch
Born September 1, 1838 at Fort Adkinson, Wisconsin.
Moved to Iowa in 1852.
Went to California in 1858 and again in 1863.
Married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Evans of Lima, Iowa on
Jan. 15, 1866.
In 1868, Burns and Lizzie Finch moved to the Black
Bob Indiana Reservation, Jefferson County Kansas.
Lived at Erie, Kansas.
Moved to Eureka Kansas in 1874, where Burns was
employed in the dry goods and grocery business.
In 1880, Burns and Lizzie Finch moved to Severy,
Kansas, where they spent the rest of their days.
Burns Brannon Finch was a 32 degree Mason,
secretary of Twin Groves Blue Lodge, was a
Knight Templer of Fredonia, member of the
Eastern Star and was an Ancient Odd Fellows.
He was also the Treasurer of the town of Severy,
from the time of its charter in 1880, until 1915.
Burns Brannon Finch died at his home in Severy,
Kansas on Saturday June 19, 1915
Burns Brannon Finch
[In uniform of Knight Templer]
Duane DeVee Finch
Born abt. 1842 in Indiana.
Lived in Lima Iowa, Westfield Township in 1860,
per census
Was a Civil War
soldier. (Click
for additional records)
Served in the 3rd,
Regiment, Iowa Infantry, Co. F and B.
Enlisted as a Private, and was promoted to Sergeant.
Served in the 2nd,
Regiment, Iowa Infantry, Co. F as
a Sergeant and was promoted to 2 Lieutenant.
Married Sarah Stewart.
Duane DeVee Finch died October 18, 1934, and is buried
in Trinidad, Colorado.
Duane DeVee Finch
[Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon,
1807, New York
1.) Keziah Dupree in 1827, Indiana.
Married 2.) Elvira Hubbard Fry, abt. 1851.
Lived in Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
abt. 1872 in Michigan.
Children of Nathaniel Finch and Keziah Dupree:
Solomon Byron Finch
Born January 4, 1841.
Was a Civil
War soldier.
(Is said to have been an Indian Scout.)
Mustered in September 1861.
Served in Brackett's
Battalion, Minnesota Cavalry Co. A.
Organized at Fort Snelling, MN. as 1st Co., and attached to
Curtis Horse, an independent Regiment, which was later
designated 5th Iowa
Mustered out June 1, 1866.
Married Marietta Swim, who was born in 1853, and died
in 1922.
Solomon B. Finch died December 8, 1893, and is buried
with his wife, Marietta in Rosebud Cemetery, Rosebud
County, Montana.
Note: Pictures below were found at Rosebud County
Museum, Forsyth, Montana.
Solomon Byron Finch
Marietta (Swim) Finch
[Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon, continued]
Brannon Finch
in September 19, 1810, in New York.
Sarah Ann Granger on April 13, 1834.
Sarah Ann Granger was born April 3, 1818, and
was the daughter of Miranda (Evert) Granger
and Chester Calvin Granger.
Miranda (Evert) Granger later became the second
wife of Lucien's father, Moses Finch Sr.
Sarah Ann Granger gave birth to her first child,
Lucien Bonaparte Finch, at the age of 14, approx.
twenty months prior to her marriage (and 16th birthday).
Lucien Brannon Finch died in 1836, when his wife
Sarah Ann (Granger) Finch was pregnant with their
third child, Abraham Finch.
Sarah Ann Granger Finch is thought to have died
at the birth of her child Abraham Finch (August 1837).
Children of Lucien Finch and
Sarah Ann Granger.
Lucien Bonaparte Finch
Born August 5, 1832 (prior to his parent's marriage)
Raised by his uncle and aunt, Abraham Wheeler
and Charity (Woodworth) Finch, who raised him
as their own.
Was a Civil War soldier
Served in the 7th
Regiment, Minnesota Infantry
Rank of Private.
Married Sarah Baker on February 8, 1854.
Had nine children.
Died August 13, 1894, being struck by lightning.
He is buried in Bethel Cemetery, Eden Township,
Decatur County, Iowa.
Great-great-grandfather of Mary Reder
Lucien Bonaparte Finch
M. Finch
February 9, 1835.
two years old when her mother, Sarah Ann
Finch died.
M. Finch was raised by her uncle,
Wheeler Finch and his wife Elizabeth.
Married Nelson P. Combs in 1852.
Had thirteen children, all born in Wisconsin.
In 1892, Sarah M. and her husband Nelson P. Combs
Moved to Washington state.
Nelson P. Combs died January 3, 1910 .
Sarah M. (Finch) Combs died June 2, 1915.
Both Sarah and Nelson Combs are buried in
Sequim, Clallam County, Washington.
W. Finch
August 22, 1837
the death of his mother,
Ann (Granger) Finch, Abraham
newborn) went to live with his uncle
aunt, Abraham Wheeler Finch and
(Woodworth) Finch, who raised
as their own.
Married Elizabeth Clinnett on June 4, 1857.
Lived in Fillmore County, Minnesota.
Had two sons by the 1860 Fillmore County census.
Children of Abraham W. Finch and Elizabeth Clinnett:
William K. Finch
Born 1858
Hiram Finch
Born 1860.
Children of Moses Finch and Sarah Brannon, continued]
1813, New York.
Marilla Adkins.
1816, New York.
Children of Moses Finch and Miranda Granger:
Born 1833, in Indiana.
Married Dr. Robert A Graydon of Southport, Indiana
on December 12, 1872 in Marion County, Indiana.
Children of Florilla Finch and Robert Graydon:
Florilla Graydon
Born 1836, in Michigan (per 1850 Hamilton County, Indiana census).
George W. Coslin April 15, 1859.
Rebecca Finch and her husband George Coslin both died 1861.
[Children of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney continued]
7. Mary Finch (1774-1849)
Born May 2, 1774 in Orange County, New York.
Died October 22, 1849 in Dunmore, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Married Edward Spencer in 1796.
Edward Spencer, a Revolutionary War soldier and early Settler of
Wyoming Valley, PA., was born May 7, 1752 in Connecticut and died
December 29, 1829 in Providence, Pennsylvania.
Skip to next child of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney.
Children of Mary Finch and Edward Spencer:
Sarah Spencer
Born may 7, 1797
Married Julian Bailey
Mehitable Spencer
Born March 5, 1799.
Married (1.) Mr. Broome.
Married (2.) Mr. Griffin.
Eliphas Spencer
Born August 13, 1804.
Edward Spencer
Born October 3, 1805.
Married (1.) Elizabeth Devel.
Married (2.) Susan Hines.
Edward Spencer had four children from (2) marriages.
Ambrose Spenser
Born March 4, 1809.
Died in 1834.
Calvin Spencer
Born March 11, 1810
Died September 21, 1866.
[Children of (V) Isaac Finch and Amy Kinney continued]
8. Sarah Ann Finch (?)
9 Elizabeth Finch (1775-?)
Born 1775 in New York.
Married (?) Carpenter.
Elizabeth Finch Carpenter and her husband went to western
New York state. Per the Hobart Book, they helped Elizabeth's
brothers, John, Moses and Solomon prepare for their move to
Indiana. It is believed that Elizabeth remained in New York.
10. Solomon Finch (1778-1851)
Born January 31, 1778 - Forty Fort, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. Solomon
was 5 months
old at the time of the Wyoming Valley Massacre.
Described in adulthood as being five feet, six inches tall, 220 pounds, fair
skinned, very black
hair (no gray), with black eyes.
Died in June of 1851 on Elm Creek Farm in Clay County, Illinois (age
Married Sarah Gardner March 13, 1804 in Wyoming valley (Sarah's father owned the
land on
which the Battle Of Wyoming Valley was fought).
Sarah Gardner was born 1787 in New York and died in June 1847 in Clay County,
Per Shirts' "History of Hamilton County" page #20, In 1820, Sarah
taught the first school in
Hamilton County, Indiana
"in a small cabin built for that purpose.."
Solomon Was Superintendent of the log cabin display in General Harrison's
Solomon, Sarah and their family were known to have lived in / traveled
1804 - Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania
1806 - Genesee County, New York
1814 - Livingston County, New York
1814 - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
1815 - North Bend, Ohio, (where Solomon took employment with General Harrison)
1816 - Dearborn County, Indiana
1817 - Ripley County Indiana - (where Solomon purchased
461.7 acres between Versailles & Milan,
Land record dated November 24, 1817 ).
1818 - Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana 1818
Horseshoe Prairie, (later Noblesville,) Hamilton County, Indiana 1819
Clay County, Illinois, November 1839
Solomon and his family "Crossed the White River at the mouth of Stoney Creek - April 19,1819"
Built the first cabin of his settlement on "Horseshoe Prairie" 1819
Solomon was elected to the Office of Commissioner, Delaware County - 1823
In 1848, Solomon Finch married Belinda Moore.
Belinda Moore was born in 1798, and died aft. 1851.
Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner are buried in Foster Hill -
Mt. Zion Cemetery,
Clay County, Illinois.
Children of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner:
Finch (1805-1873)
January 5, 1805, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania.
(1.) George Shirts November 8,
1821 in Fayette County, Indiana.
Rebecca, helped her husband, George run a popular local tavern,
and was known far and wide for the delicious cornpone she served there.
[Note: George Shirts' first wife (name?) was the first white person of
buried in Hamilton County, Indiana. Mrs. Shirts died on Horseshoe Prairie
August of 1819 , soon after the family's arrival in the county. "A
rude coffin
was made for her by the Indians, from puncheons, and she was buried by
in an Indian graveyard." George Shirts and his first wife had
several children,
one of whom was
Sidney Swift Shirts. Sidney was born on
in 1819, sometime prior to his mother's death in August, and is said to
have been
the first white male child born in Hamilton County, Indiana.]
Following the death of (1.) George Shirts, Rebecca Finch later married
(2.) Jay
Children of Rebecca Finch and George Shirts:
William I. Shirts
Born Feb. 23, 1823
Died 1885.
Augustus Finch
Born Nov. 26, 1824.
Was a prominent attorney and politician in Noblesville, Hamilton
County, Indiana.
Married Nancy Barnhill.
Retired from his Law practice in 1900.
Author of "History of The Formation,
Settlement & Development
Of Hamilton County", copyright 1901.
Children of Augustus Finch Shirts and Nancy Barnhill:
George Shirts
Studied Law.
Graduated from University of Michigan, Law
Department in1876, and began practicing
Law in Noblesville, Indiana. Became well known
as a corporate lawyer, and in 1903 was selected
by the Governor of Indiana to be a member of
the Codifying Commission, later being named
Clerk of that body.
Mary Shirts
Married (?) Baker
Elbert Shirts
[Children of Rebecca Finch and George Shirts continued]
Angeline Shirts
Born November 26, 1828.
Mary E. Shirts
Born July 26, 1826.
Sarah Shirts
Born November 29,1830.
Hiram G. Shirts
July 15, 1834.
[Children of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner Continued:]
B. Finch
January 24, 1807 In Genesee County, New York
Married cousin,
Hiram Gregory Finch (son of ( VI )
John Finch and third wife, Mehitable
Brown Chapman).
Mary Finch died December 23, 1839 in Hamilton County, Indiana (age
32) -
apparently while giving
birth to her daughter (unnamed).
Children of Mary B. Finch and Hiram Gregory Finch:
Henry Clay Finch
Born 1833, Hamilton County, Indiana
Born August 8, 1834, Hamilton County, Indiana
Died August 12, 1838 Hamilton County, Indiana
(age 3 yrs. 4 days)
daughter" (unnamed).
Born in Hamilton County, Indiana
(no date or age known)
Mary, her son Jubal and
infant daughter are buried in
Finch Cemetery, Noblesville,
Hamilton County Indiana.
(East side of Boden Road, between State Road 38 and 166th
[Children of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner Continued:]
James Gardner Finch (1809 - 1904)
Born October 16, 1809 in Genesee
County, New York.
Moved with his family to Horseshoe Prairie, Hamilton County,
Indiana in April of 1819.
Worked as a Surveyor in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Was a farmer.
Married first wife, Sarah Woodborn November 28, 1833.
Per Oct. 16, 1899 letter from James Gardner Finch to cousin Benoni
Wheeler Finch, James' first child with Sarah Woodborn "died as the
one was born, a boy.", which confirms that James had two children
his first wife.
Following the death of Sarah Woodborn, James G. Finch then
married second wife, Mary Ann Purdum July 21, 1839 (eloped).
Mary Ann Purdom (the daughter of Jeremiah Purdom and
Catherine Reynolds), was born in 1818, in Chillicothe, Ohio.
James and Mary Ann Finch Moved to Clay County, Illinois in
November 1839.
Given James's love of working & improving farms, and the
children's need of adequate education, for years the Finch
family vacillated between rural and town life. While the family
did remain on one Clay County farm for duration of the the Civil
War, (and even two years following) James typically preferred to
move with much greater frequency.
It is well documented that James G. Finch vigorously and
blatantly opposed slavery and because of this, on more than
one occasion, he and his family were threatened by the Knights
of the Golden Circle (local klan faction).
James and Mary moved to Xenia, Clay County, Illinois in the
spring of 1867,but in September of that year moved back to the
country, two miles east of Flora, Clay County, Illinois.
They moved to Miami County, Kansas in the spring of 1869.
Mary Purdum died in May of 1885, 2 months shy of their 46th
wedding anniversary.
James Gardner Finch died April 14,
1904, Lawrence Kansas (age 94)
NOTE: Personal letters from James Gardner
Finch, including those written
to his cousin, Fabius Maximus Finch, are on file at:
The Indiana State
Library - Manuscripts Dept. Charles Thompson Collection (L157)
The Indiana Historical
Society - Manuscript Collection (SC0575)
Conner Prairie Museum - Fishers,
Henry County
Genealogical Services Titled: Henry County 1817 "A Pioneer
Skip to next child of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner
Children of James Gardner Finch and Sarah Woodborn:
(Infant / Toddler) Name and gender unknown.
Born after 1833.
Died about the time brother, Francis M. Finch was born (1837).
Francis M. Finch (1837-1864)
Born April 29, 1837 in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Lived in Xenia, Clay County, Illinois.
Died July 27, 1864 in Andersonville, Georgia.
Studied Law.
Was a Civil War
"Fought without once returning home, without furlough,
from April 1861, to September 1863."
Served in the 21st
Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Company G.
Rank of Private. (See
21st Illinois Regimental Flag)
Mustered in, June 28, 1861 - Matoon, Ill.
Captured at the Battle
Of Chickamauga, September 19-20, 1863,
at which time he was sent to Andersonville Prison in Georgia.
Francis M. Finch died July 27, 1864 in Andersonville Prison (age 27).
Cause of death: "Diarrhea".
Buried in National Cemetery - Andersonville, Georgia,
Grave # 3854.
"Flowing Stream" by
Florence Finch Kelly -
c. 1939,
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., (p. 29)
Civil War Prison Historical Background
Civil War Prison Database
National Historic Site
Parks Service: Civil War Soldier Database
Children of James Gardner Finch and Mary Ann Purdum:
Walton H. Finch (1840-1894)
Born October 13, 1840 in Clay County, Illinois.
Died 1894, Pamona, California (age 54).
Delivered by his mother, Mary Ann in the family
cabin, while his father James G. was summoning the
help of a neighbor five miles away.
Was a Civil War
Served in the 11th
Regiment, Missouri Infantry ,
Company "F", from August 1861 to December 1865.
11th Illinois Regimental Flag)
Promoted from Private to Lieutenant & Adjt.
Incorrectly listed in the National
Park Service's
Civil War
database as "Walter H. Finch".
Married Charity E. Odell on his first furlough home,
14, 1864, in Hendricks County Indiana.
The marriage was recorded by Levi Ritter, Hendricks
County Clerk, and officiated by S. Bowers M E Minister.
Odell was a resident of Hendricks County, IN.,
as was her brother Sanford T. Odell, who was a physician
and surgeon.
Walton and Charity Finch moved to Miami, Kansas,
Wea Township following the Civil War, where Walton
was employed as a a Dry Goods Merchant ( per 1870
Children of Walton H. and Charity E. Finch:
O. Finch
Born abt. 1866 in Illinois.
Frank R. Finch in Illinois.
Born abt. 1868
Clyde Finch
Born in July of 1869 in Kansas.
[Children of James Gardner Finch and Mary Ann Purdum, continued:]
William Finch
Born between 1840 and 1845.
Per Oct. 16, 1899 letter from James Gardner Finch to cousin
Benoni Wheeler Finch, "My 4th child William was killed by a
team running off with him."
Cynthia C. Finch
Born February 24, 1845
John C. Finch
Born January 23, 1847
George W. Finch
Born June 21, 1849
Died 1896, Harper County, Kansas
Henry Clay Finch
Born October 1, 1852
Charles Sumner Finch
Born July 24, 1856 in Girard, Illinois
Married Esther Pierce.
Charles Sumner Finch was raised on a farm in Miami
County, Kansas where he attended country and town
schools. He taught school for two years, spent one year
at the University of Kansas, and graduated the University
of Michigan in 1880 with a degree in Law. He practiced
law for eight years in Harper County, Kansas. He was part
owner of the "Harper County Times" and "Harper County
Graphic". He moved to Lawrence, Kansas in 1888 and
began editing the "Tribune", which later consolidated with
the "Journal". In 1903 Charles Finch purchased and began
editing the "Lawrence Gazette", and he remained Editor
of that paper until taking a job as Postmaster, September 1,
1911. He was a Republican, a member of the Knights of
Pythias, the Elks, the Fraternal Aid Association, the
Fraternal Order Of Eagles and Beta Theta Pi
Children of Charles Sumner Finch and Esther Pierce:
Floyd Finch
Gula Finch
Mateel Finch
Florence Evaline Finch
Allen Kelly
Florence Evaline Finch
Born March 24, 1858 in Macoupin County Illinois.
Worked in the newspaper business
at the Boston Globe and New York Times.
Married Allen Kelly.
Died in 1939.
Was an accomplished writer, and author of the
following published works:
1.“Frances: A Story For Men and Women”
c. 1889, New York, Sanfred & Company
2.“On The Inside”
c. 1890, New York, Sanford & Company
3.“With Hoops Of Steel”
c. 1900, The Bowen-Merrill Company, Indianapolis
4.“Rhoda Of The Underground” (with illustrations by the Kinneys)
c. 1909, New York: Sturgis & Walton Company
5.“The Delafield Affair”
c. 1909, Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co.
6.“Emerson’s Wife and Other Western Stories”
c. 1911, Chicago : A.C. McClurg & Co.
7.“The Fate Of Felix Brand”
c. 1913, Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Company.
8.“What America Did: A Record Of Achievement In The
Prosecution Of The War”
c. 1919, New York, E.P. Dutton & Company
9.“Dixons: A Story Of American Life Through Three Generations"
c. 1921, New York: E.P. Dutton & Company
10.“Flowing Stream: Fifty-six Years In The American
Newspaper Life”
c. 1939,
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc.,
[Florence Evaline Finch - Kelly]
of Florence Evaline Finch and Allen Kelly:
Sherwin Kelly
Married Alice Douglas, who met
Sherwin Kelly in Paris where he
was studying on scholarship at the
Sourboune. Sherwin was offered a
job in the field of geology after
working on a paper with another
professor in that field and soon after
meeting Alice, moved back to the
United States.
Sherwin and Alice had five children.
[Children of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner continued:]
(Alma) Finch (1812-?)
Born January 13, 1812 in Genesee County, New York
First husband: Stephen Knolton
Second husband: Benjamin Creus
Third Husband: Gabriel Manly
Emily Finch (1816-1871)
Born May 12, 1816.
Died October 13, 1871
Augustus H. Finch (1818-1820)
Born September 1, 1818 in Connersville, Indiana
Died November 12, 1820 on Horseshoe Prairie (age 2)
- scalding accident.
Note: Nine days prior to the birth of his brother, Solomon Tompkins Finch,
Augustus H. Finch died as a result of severe burns. While chasing after the
family cat,
Augustus accidentally overturned a kettle of boiling water which
his older sister, Rebecca had just
removed from the fire. Augustus died twelve
hours later.
Solomon Tompkins Finch
Born November 20, 1820 at
Horseshoe Prairie, Hamilton County Indiana.
(Second white male child born in Hamilton County Indiana).
Died April 14, 1857 in Clay County, Illinois (age 36).
Moved with his parents to Clay County, Illinois in November 1839.
Married Bathsheba Long on July 22, 1847.
Bathsheba Long was born April 15, 1831 in Tippecanoe County, Indiana.
She was the daughter of
Rosamond and Hannah (Stanford) Long, and sister of
Margaret (Long) Harter.
Solomon and Bathsheba Finch moved to Flora, lay County, Illinois in 1853.
They had five children, two of whom died as infants. Another died in her
Solomon Tompkins Finch is noted as the first businessman in Flora, Clay County,
going into the dry good business with Mr. George Harter, under the firm
name "Finch
& Harter".
Following the death of Solomon Tompkins Finch, Bathsheba Long Finch married
John Resen Finch, who was the son of Aaron
Finch and grandson of (VI) John Finch.
Said John Finch was the uncle of this Solomon Tompkins Finch (brother to his
Solomon Tompkins Finch and Bathsheba (Long) Finch are buried in Foster Hill -
Mt. Zion Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois.
Children of Solomon Tompkins Finch and Bathsheba Long:
Rebecca Margaret Finch (1852-1868)
Born April 1852
Died of premature consumption, in March 1868 (age 15).
Mary Elizabeth Finch (1854-?)
Born September 25, 1854 in Flora, Clay County, Illinois.
Was the first child born in the city Flora.
Married John Minor Cunningham on February 3, 1876.
Children of Mary Elizabeth Finch and John Minor Cunningham:
Freemont Cunningham
Born November 29, 1876.
Died in 1882 (age 6)
Nelle Cunningham
Born September 19, 1878
Married Jerry J. Bowman October 22, 1902
Max Finch Cunningham
Born April 14, 1883
[Children of Solomon Tompkins Finch and Bathsheba Long continued:]
Solomon Tompkins Finch Jr. (1857-?)
Born February 23, 1857 in Flora, Clay County Illinois.
Was a Presbyterian and supporter of the Democratic Party.
Married Lillie Estella Pearce May 28, 1884.
Lillie, born January 13, 1862, was the youngest daughter of
Frederick and Martha [Ingram] Pearce.
Solomon Tompkins Finch took a preparatory course at Loxa
College in Coles County, Illinois, then in 1876, entered Michigan
University, where he graduated from the Law Department
in 1879.
Solomon Tompkins Finch was was then admitted to the Bar in
Illinois in 1880 and began
practicing Law in his hometown of Flora.
He was nominated by the Democratic party for County Judge in 1898,
but was defeated by one vote. Solomon was also the alternate
the Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1916,
Moved to Springfield, Illinois in 1900, and practiced law there for
five years, before returning to Flora in 1905.
Was the Democratic party's nomination for State's Attorney in 1908,
"But went down in defeat with the rest of the ticket."
Was a member of the Blue Lodge, Royal Arch and Knights Templer
Masons and the Woodsmen.
Solomon organized and was the first Chancellor Commander of the
Knights of Pythias in Flora, Clay County, Illinois.
Lillian E. (Pearce) Finch died June 6, 1916.
Solomon Tompkins Finch Jr. died August 3, 1927, and
is buried with his wife Lillian, in Elmwood
Cemetery, Flora Illinois.
Children of Solomon Tompkins Finch and Lillie Estella Pearce:
Earl D. Finch
Graduated Springfield High School.
Graduated State University, Law Dept.
Was an attorney, in practice with his
father, Solomon Tompkins Finch.
Rollae D. Finch
Graduated Springfield High School.
Attended Medical School at St. Louis
Was a physician.
Member of the Methodist Church (along
with his mother, Lillie Estella Pearce).
Married Effie Fairchild Oct. 16, 1912.
Effie Fairchild was born Dec. 5, 1888,
and died in 1965.
Rollae D. Finch died Sep. 22, 1959.
He and his wife Effie are buried in
Elmwood Cemetery, Flora Illinois.
Children of Rollae & Effie Finch:
William A. Finch
Born July 28, 1914.
Married Christina Karr on
Jan. 21, 1945.
William A. Finch died Oct. 8, 2007.
Our heartfelt condolences are extended to the
family of William A.
Finch, who
passed away
October 8, 2007. William (Bill) was born
July 28, 1914 and was a loving
husband and father,
having enjoyed more than 63 years of marriage to
his beloved wife, Chris.
Bill, along with
Duane Finch, researched the Solomon Finch line
for approximately 10 years and
was the last Finch
in Clay County, IL where his ancestors moved after
leaving the
Indianapolis area.
Bill's grandfather, Solomon T. Finch, wrote about
our Finch family and that
particular work was later
published in the Clay County Illinois History.
Over the years Bill has contributed generously
to the FinchRoots web site.
We are grateful
for the opportunity to have known him, thankful
for his friendship and honored
to say he will
forever be a part of our family history.
Children of William. & Christina Finch
Ellen Kay Finch
Married Bill Bookout.
Children of Rollae & Effie Finch continued:
Marjorie Finch
Married Hershal Satterlee.
[Children of Solomon Tompkins Finch and Bathsheba Long continued:]
[Children of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner continued:]
Amos Parm Finch (1824-?)
Born March 21,1824.
Named after Amos Palmer, husband of Sarah Finch
(daughter of John Finch).
Married (1.) Louisa Griffith August 10, 1852
Married (2.) Sarah Elizabeth Davis on December 5, 1860.
Lived in Iola Illinois in 1900.
Children of Amos Parm Finch and Louisa Griffith:
Hiram Clayton Finch
Born May 11, 1854
Was a physician.
Moved to Iowa and continued his practice there.
Married Ausis Olivia Matthews October 6, 1882 in Jasper County, Iowa.
Children of Hiram Clayton Finch and Ausis Olivia Matthews:
Ethel Finch
Born December 29, 1884
Children of Amos Parm Finch and Sarah Elizabeth Davis:
Rosa Belle Finch
Born August 21, 1861
Henry Ernest Finch
Born August 28, 1868
Married Sarah E. Sibler
Clarence A. Finch
Born February 6, 1872
Married Lulu Morrean on November 17, 1895
Maggie Elizabeth Finch
Born November 3, 1875
[Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner continued:]
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Development Of Hamilton County" by
Augustus Finch Shirts copyright 1901
"Biographical And Reminiscent History Of Richland, Clay And Marion
Counties, Illinois 1909"
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
History Of Durbin Elementary School
Back To Top
1. ( VII )
Jubal Finch
(1790-abt. 1820)
Born July 16, 1790, in New York.
Was a Physician and Surgeon.
Married Philena Earl.
Philena Earl was born abt. 1793 in New York.
It is believed that Jubal came to Indian in 1819 with his
father, John Finch, and perhaps settled in Connersville,
Fayette County, Indiana rather than following his father
northeastward to Horseshoe Prairie, Hamilton County, IN.
As of September 25, 1819, Jubal was in Lawrenceburg,
Dearborn County, Indiana, where his youngest son, Robert
was born.
Per the 1820
federal census, Jubal Finch lived in
Connersville, Fayette County, (Connersville, Township),
Indiana with wife, Philena, their two young sons & another
female between the ages of 16-26 (a sister of Philena ?)
Per, "Fayette County Indiana: Her People, Industries
and Institutions" (Chapter 18 - Fraternal and Benevolent
Societies: Free and Accepted Masons) Jubal Finch was,
along with John Conner, a petitioner for the institution of
Warren Lodge No.15 at Connersville on September 11th,
1820. However, Jubal was not listed among the founding
members when the lodge was formally instituted on
October 24, 1820. It is therefore assumed, that Jubal
Finch died between September 11, and October 24, 1820,
(age 30).
Jubal is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850),
though sources indicate that he died sometime before
his father (?).
Per "A Historical Record of Masonry in
Connersville, A
Memorial to the Temple Dedicated in 1941"
Jubal Finch
was given the first Masonic funeral by Warren Lodge
Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana.
Jubal's widow, Philena Finch,
married Joseph S. Welch
on July 3, 1829 in Switzerland County, Indiana.
Philena Earl Finch died about 1838 ( age 45).
Skip to the Children of Jubal Finch and Philena
1820 Census Image -
State of Indiana, Fayette County,
Town of Connersville, Connersville,
2. Israel Finch
Born October 27, 1791 In Goshen, Orange County, NY.
Was a blacksmith.
Married (1.) Elizabeth Earle Budd July 12, 1812.
(Elizabeth may have been the sister of Philena Earl)
Elizabeth died February 14, 1835
Married (2.) widow, Elizabeth Essington Bowman, on
October 6, 1836.
North Bend, Ohio 1816
Connersville, Indiana 1819
Noblesville, Indiana as of April 19, 1819
"Crossed the White River at the mouth of Stoney Creek -
April 19,1819" Was the pioneer designated to carry fire
in a kettle on the trip from
Connersville to Stoney Creek
(1819), so as to assure that the settlers had fire each day
going into camp.
Helped build "Finch's Horse Mill". Also helped
build Blacksmith Shop.
Israel died May 11, 1851 (age 59)
(Skip to the next child of ( VI )
John Finch and Elizabeth Green)
Children of Israel Finch and Elizabeth Earle Budd:
Marcello Finch
Born October 27, 1812
Philena Finch
Born January 10, 1815 in Pennsylvania.
Died July 30, 1816 in Pennsylvania.
Frederick Weldon Finch
Born February 27, 1817 in Pennsylvania.
Died July 5, 1875.
Edwin R. Finch
Born March 25, 1819, Connersville, Indiana.
Died aft. 1879 in Iowa
Laura W. Finch
Born December 15, 1820, Strawtown,
Hamilton County, Indiana.
First White Female
born in Hamilton County.
Married Richard Smythard Stephenson on
September 7, 1837 in Noblesville, Hamilton
County, Indiana.
Richard Stephenson was born Dec. 29, 1817
in Lewis County, Kentucky, and was the son
of John Stephenson and Alice Morrison.
Richard moved to Indiana with his brother
John, and remained there until 1854, when he
and Laura moved to Henry County, Illinois.
In 1865, the couple moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Richard was a Lieutenant in the 14th Illinois
Cavalry, Company A., and he later received a
pension of $4.00 a month for a saber wound to
the right thigh.
(See 1883 Webster County Pensioner records.)
Laura W. Finch Stephenson died Dec. 18, 1886
in Ft. Dodge, Webster County, Iowa.
Cyrus Finch
Born 1823, Hamilton County, Indiana.
John Finch
Born May 11, 1825, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Elizabeth Greene Finch
Born April 21, 1827 in Indiana.
Died May 24, 1904 in Chicago, Cook County,
Married Cyrus Westerfield October 20, 1842
Robert Finch
Born August 21, 1829.
Died abt. 1894.
Married (1.) Margaret Rector.
Married (2.) Mary Baird.
Lewis Weldon Finch
Born December 29, 1834 in Hamilton County,
Died in 1864, due to Civil War illness.
Children of Israel Finch and Elizabeth Bowman:
Israel Green Finch
Born June 23, 1837
Married Nancy Nickleson
Jubal A. Finch
Born January 11, 1840
Married (1.) Sarah Keefer
Married (2.) Emily Taylor.
Jubal A. Finch died February 26, 1917.
Sefronia Catherine Finch
Born November 29, 1842.
Married William E. Buck.
Samantha Finch
Born December 14, 1845.
Married Mart Painter.
Gipson Finch
Born June 16, 1849.
"History of The Formation, Settlement
& Development
Of Hamilton County" by Augustus Finch Shirts,
copyright 1901
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
History Of
Durbin Elementary School
3. John Finch Jr. (1793 - abt.1829?)
Born June 18, 1793.
Was the first Physician in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Married (1.) Eliza Copeland.
Married (2.) Eliza C. Irvin on November 20, 1823 in
Wayne County, Indiana. The wedding ceremony was
performed by John's father, Judge John Finch Sr.
Eliza Irvin died when their first child (a son) was 2 or 3
years old.
Married (3.) ? John Finch married a third time,
though his wife's name is yet unknown.
John Finch Jr. died in Hamilton County, IN,
prior to the 1830
John is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850),
though sources indicate that he died sometime before
his father (?).
Children of John Finch and Eliza Irwin:
George Finch
Born (abt.1824?)
Per letter from James Gardner Finch, to cousin,
Benoni W. Finch: "When George the son was
about 8 or 10, his father died and they bound
him out to a man named Beckwith. When he
(George) was about 16 or 18 he disappeared.
I went over to a son of Jubal's to
see if he
knew anything of George. He said no; He said
he went to Beckwith's once and stayed with
George all night, and during the time he was
there, George told him that Beckwith didn't
treat him right, and he intended to leave and
that no one that knew him should ever know
where he was. "A threat well kept" he said,
for no one ever heard of him since. A great-
grandson of uncle John's was down about
Shawnee town a few years ago and found some
Finches there that knew nothing about their
ancestors. Their father would never tell them
anything about his folks."
[Note: Above "Beckwith" may have been,
Mr. Waren Beckwith, or Mr. Zenas Beckwith.
See: 1830 Hamilton County
4. Cyrus Finch
Born July 12, 1794.
Admitted to the bar as Licensed Attorney in
Hamilton County - April 1824.
Married Theresa A. Booker on August 16, 1821 in
Wayne County, Indiana.
Cyrus is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
Cyrus Finch is said to have died at a young age.
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Of Hamilton County"
by Augustus Finch Shirts,
copyright 1901
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
5. Moses Finch
Born in July 1796.
Children Of Honorable ( VI ) John Finch and {second} wife, Jemima Overton
6. Elizabeth Finch (1798-?)
Born July 12, 1798
Married William Davidson
Named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
7. Aaron Overton Finch (1799-early 1850s)
Born December 25, 1799.
Died in the early 1850s.
Was a Carpenter.
Married Mary Waddle in Indiana, 1823
North Bend, Ohio 1816
Connersville, Indiana 1819
Noblesville, Indiana 1819
"Crossed the White River at the mouth of Stoney Creek -
April 19,1819".
Built the first two cabins on Horseshoe Prairie,
Hamilton County, Indiana, one of them being
for the family of his Uncle Solomon. That cabin
was later given to Aaron's father, John Finch,
upon his arrival at Horseshoe Prairie.
Elected State Representative in Tippecanoe County, IN.,
on August 1, 1831.
Served as quartermaster in the Indiana militia in the1832
Black Hawk war,
Aaron Overton Finch moved to Clay County, Illinois
with his uncle, Solomon Finch in November 1939.
Aaron O. Finch, and Mary (Waddle) Finch are buried
in Foster Hill - Mt.
Zion Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois.
Children of Aaron Overton Finch and Mary Waddle:
James Austin Finch
Studied Medicine.
Married Mary P. Griffith.
Lived in Clay County, Illinois.
James Austin Finch died in the early 1860s.
Mary Griffith Finch died in 1898.
Children of James A. and Mary Griffith Finch:
James Austin Finch Jr.
Was an attorney.
Married Florence Brissanden.
Elected to the office of Prosecuting Attorney
of Clay county in 1876, and afterward moved
to Olney, Illinois, where he died in the
summer of 1881.
Laura A. Finch
in Foster Hill - Mt.
Zion Cemetery,
County, Illinois.
M. Finch
Buried in Foster Hill - Mt.
Zion Cemetery,
County, Illinois.
John Resen Finch (?-1879)
Born in Indiana
Died in 1879.
Moved to Clay County, Illinois with his parents
and lived his entire life on the farm purchased by
his family, upon settling there.
Married Sarah Schooley.
Married Rachel Schooley (sister of Sarah Schooley).
Married Bathsheba Long Finch, widow of
Solomon Tompkins Finch on February 15,
Bathsheba (Long) Finch died July 16, 1871, in
Clay County, Illinois, when her youngest
child, Martha Luella, was but five months old.
John Resen Finch later married Sarah Warmath.
John Resen Finch, Sarah (Schooley) Finch and
Bathsheba (Long) Finch are buried in Foster Hill
Zion Cemetery, Clay County, Illinois.
Children of John Resen Finch and
Sarah Schooley:
Mary Matilda Finch
William Fabius Finch
Children of John Resen Finch and Rachel Schooley:
Aaron Finch
Amy Finch
Children of John Resin Finch and Bathsheba Long:
Martha Luella Finch
Born February 7 1871
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Of Hamilton County"
by Augustus Finch Shirts,
copyright 1901
Indiana Historical Collections - (John) Tipton papers.
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
County Historical Society
Biographies - Richland, Clay and Marion
Of Honorable ( VI )
John Finch
and {second} wife Jemima Overton Continued]
8. Sarah Finch (Twin)
Born March 7, 1802.
Was the first school teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
Married Dr. Amos Palmer.
Amos Palmer was also a school teacher, and prior to
marrying Sarah Finch, Amos would stay weekends at
the home of Sarah's older brother, John, and on
evenings, would walk the 4 mile journey back to his log
schoolhouse in Strawtown, On one occasion, Amos
Palmer was said to have set out from John Finch's home
later than usual and after dark, and along the way, was
attacked by a pack of hungry wolves. Amos was able to
fend the wolves off with a large stick, and leapt to safety
within the lower branches of a tree, where he stayed most
of the night until the rifle blasts of passing hunters scared
the wolves away.
Sarah is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
Children of Sarah Finch and Amos Palmer:
Cornelia Palmer
Married (?) Briggs.
Lived in Dexter and Nevada, Iowa.
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Of Hamilton County"
by Augustus Finch Shirts, c.1901,
Amos P. Finch Notes of 1900.
9. Margaret
Finch (Twin) (1802-?)
Born March 7, 1802
Married William P. Thompson.
One of the (7) founders of the little log cabin Baptist
Church erected at Ninth & Cherry Street, Noblesville,
Indiana 1827. Church & members later merged with
[and in effect, became] the Christian Church.
Margaret is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
[Photo taken March, 2005]
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Of Hamilton County"
by Augustus Finch Shirts,
copyright 1901
[pages 183 -185].
10. Laura Finch (1804-?)
Born April 5, 1804
Married William Watson Wick, Atty. Aug. 20, 1820
in Fayette County Indiana. (See
record of marriage)
William W. Wick was born Feb. 23, 1796 in Canonsburg,
Pennsylvania and died May 19, 1868. He is buried
- Franklin, Johnson County, IN.
monument in Greenlawn Cemetery, William Wick came
Indiana in 1819 and was elected Clerk of the State House
Representatives in 1820. He was chosen the first Judge of
New Purchase in 1822, was the first Judge to hold court
Indianapolis and held the first court in Johnson County, IN.,
16, 1823 in John Smiley's cabin. William Wick was
Johnson County Circuit Judge intermittently until 1859, was
Secretary of State (1825-1829), served three terms
the U.S. Congress, was an 1849 Presidential Elector and
Postmaster 1853-1857. (See
Judge William Wick's sentencing
of James Hudson in
the October 7-9, 1824 Fall Creek Massacre Trial)
Wick's Congressional Biography)
an excerpt regarding William W. Wick's character)
Children Of Honorable ( VI ) John Finch and {third} wife, Mehitable Brown Chapman
Hiram Gregory Finch
11. Hiram Gregory Finch
Born April 15,
Settled on "Horseshoe Prairie", 2 miles south of Noblesville.
Said to have "chopped the logs for the construction of the
second cabin in Noblesville, it being built for Dr. John Finch
in 1824, near the 'elm trees' on the bank of the White River,
just above Medical Spring".
Married (1.) Mary Finch (a cousin).
Mary was the daughter of Solomon Finch and Rebecca
Gardner. She died December 23, 1839, and is buried in
Finch Cemetery, on the old John Finch farm, Hamilton
County, Indiana.
See: Finch Cemetery Records, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Hiram married (2.) Maria A. Passwater, April 10, 1840.
Maria Passwater was born Sept. 16, 1819 in Ohio.
1850 Hamilton County, Indiana census shows a Thomas
Patton 26 (carpenter), Elizabeth Patton 25, and Sarah
Passwater 17, also residing in the Hiram Finch household.
1870 census indicates married daughter Alice Conner and
Julia Conner resided in the Hiram G. Finch
is named as an heir and Executor in father, John
Finch's will - drawn Jan. 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
Hiram G. Finch died May 10, 1879 (age 72)
Maria Passwater Finch died Jan. 9, 1885 (age 64)
Hiram Finch and Maria Passwater Finch are buried in
Riverside Cemetery - Noblesville, Hamilton County, IN.
Children of Hiram Finch and 1.) Mary Finch:
Henry Clay Finch
Born 1833, Hamilton County, Indiana.
By the age of seventeen, was Farming with his
father in Wayne Township, Hamilton County, IN.
Jubal Finch
Born August 8, 1834, Hamilton County, Indiana
Died August 12, 1838 Hamilton County, Indiana
(age 3 yrs. 4 days)
Infant Daughter (unnamed)
Born in Hamilton County, Indiana
(no date or age known)
Children of Hiram Finch and 2.) Maria Passwater:
Daniel B. Finch
Born 1845
Died (?)
Alice Finch Conner - 1878
[Last known photo ]
Alice Finch
Born January 25, 1847
Married John Coggswell Conner (grandson of John
Conner) on Nov. 24, 1864 in Hamilton County, IN.
John C. Conner was born October 14, 1842 in
Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. He attended
Noblesville public schools, Wabash College
Crawfordsville, Indiana and was admitted to the
United States Navel Academy, Annapolis, MD.
John C. Conner was an officer in the 63rd Indiana
Volunteer Infantry Co. F from Sept. 3, 1862 until
being honorably discharged as first lieutenant on
June 20, 1864. After being commissioned a captain
in the forty-first Regiment, United States Infantry on
28, 1866, John and Alice Finch Conner relocated
to Texas where John was elected as a Democrat to
Congress and served in the Forty- first and Forty-
second sessions. John C. Conner was the youngest
man in congress at the time.
Due to failing health, John C. Connor was not a
candidate for re-nomination in 1872. He died in
Washington D.C. on December 10, 1873 before
finishing his second term (age 31).
Per census records, Alice (Finch) Conner and
daughter Julia were living with Alice's father Hiram
Finch in
Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana as
of June 1870 (before John C. Conner's death).
Perhaps Alice did not travel with her husband to
Washington D.C.(?)
Alice Finch died March 25, 1878 (age 31) She
John are buried in Old Cemetery, Noblesville, IN.
Children of Alice Finch and John C. Conner:
Julia A. Finch Conner Thompson
Julia Alice Finch Conner
Born January 1, 1867 in Noblesville,
Hamilton County, Indiana.
Following the death of her parents, Julia
Conner was said to have lived with her
"beloved" uncle Fabius Maximus Finch,
though census records indicate she and
her sister, Helen resided with their uncle
Frank Finch (mother's brother) in 1880.
Cousin, John Allen Finch (attorney) was
said to have been Julia's guardian.
Married Charles Nebeker Thompson
(attorney) in 1891.
Lived at 1605 North Talbott Street
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Julia was a widely known Indianapolis
"Clubwoman". She was a registrar in
Indiana for the National Society of Colonial
Dames of America. She was a registrar and
former vice-regent of the Cornelia Cole
Fairbanks chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Julia was a member
and past president of the Fortnightly Literary
Club, a life member of the Society of Indiana
Pioneers and a member of the Board of
Indianapolis Free Kindergarten and
Children's Aid Society.
Julia was also a devoted genealogist,
studying both her Conner and Finch Roots.
Her Conner family research was published
posthumously under the title
"Sons Of The
Wilderness: John and William Conner".
The author of record was Julia's husband,
Charles Nebeker Thompson.
Julia Alice Finch Conner Thompson died
at her home, Wednesday, December 26,
1928, following a week long bout of
influenza and pneumonia (age 61).
Her funeral services were held Friday
December 28th at First Presbyterian
Church, where she was a member.
Charles Nebeker Thompson died in
August of 1949 ( buried August 17, 1949).
Both Julia Finch (Conner) and Charles N.
Thompson are buried at Crown Hill
Cemetery, Indianapolis, IN.
Section 15, Lot 113, Marker N.
Helen Finch
Born abt. 1872
Died after December 1928.
(Listed as survivor in sister, Julia's obit.)
Children of Hiram Finch and 2.) Maria Passwater continued:]
Horatio Finch
Born 1849
Francis H. (Frank) Finch
Born abt. 1851.
Was an artist.
Lived in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Married Maggie (?)
1880 census indicates sister, Alice Conner,
nieces Julia and Helen Conner and mother,
Maria Passwater were living in the Frank H.
Finch household.
"History of The Formation, Settlement &
Of Hamilton County"
by Augustus Finch Shirts,
copyright 1901
Hamilton County History & Genealogy
Riverside Cemetery Records
12. Rebecca Finch (1808-?)
Born November 4th, 1808.
Married James A. Hall
Married Lindsey Carlin, and lived many years in Noblesville,
IN, per Oct. 16, 1899 letter from James Gardner Finch to
cousin Benoni Wheeler Finch.
is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
Fabius Maximus Finch - 1850
13. Fabius Maximus Finch (1810-1900)
Born December 20, 1810.
Died March 12, 1900 (age 89).
Married Nancy (Mariah) Allen of Brown County, Ohio,
who was the sister of Major-General Robert Allen of the
United States Army.
Nancy Allen Finch was born in 1818, and died in 1908.
Fabius, Nancy and their children are buried in
Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, Indiana.
Fabius M. Finch was a prominent attorney and judge.
Received a Certificate of Good Character by Hamilton
County Court, 1830.
Admitted to the Bar, Hamilton County 1831
Admitted to the Shelby County Bar in 1833.
Was the first Master of the Franklin Masonic Lodge,
Franklin, Indiana.
Served on the Johnson County, Indiana board which
selected and named Greenlawn Cemetery in 1845.
Per 1850 Census, lived in Franklin, Johnson County,
Indiana. The following Indiana natives were also living
with the Fabius Finch family in 1850;
Leander D. Shelledy (sp?) (17 year old, male student),
A. H. Conner (an 18 year old, male student), and
Elizabeth Johns, a 24 year old female (Widow?
Domestic help?)
Elected 5 Judicial Circuit Court Judge (Marion, Johnson
and Hendricks counties) in 1859, serving six years.
Per the 1860 Federal Census for Franklin, Johnson
County, Indiana, the following individuals were living
with the Fabius Finch family;
Margaret Hamilton (25 year old female, Kentucky native
"Domestic Help").
John (N.?) Martin (26 year old male, Tennessee native -
"Teacher Common School").
Moved to Indianapolis in 1865.
Fabius Maximus Finch was of two individuals for whom
the Wabash College "Finch Fellowship" is named
(the other being his son John Allen Finch.)
Fabius is named as an heir and Executor in father, John
Finch's will - drawn Jan. 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
[Skip to the next child of John Finch & Mehitable Chapman]
Judge Fabius Maximus Finch Nancy Allen Finch
Above portraits by artist, Jacob Cox.
Jacob Cox was half brother of Elizabeth Chapman Conner.
[Photos courtesy of Conner Prairie Museum]
Judge Fabius M. Finch Judge Fabius M. Finch - age 90.
1882 - Last photo -
Children of Fabius M. Finch and Nancy (Mariah) Allen:
Heneage B. Finch - 1862Heneage Byron Finch (1836-1867)
Born in 1836 in Indiana.
Lived in Franklin, Johnson County, IN.
Studied Law.
Was a Civil War soldier:
Indiana 7th Regiment, (3 months service)
Rank of Quartermaster Sergeant. Term
Mustered in 26 Apr. 1861, and out 2 Aug.
Served under Colonel John Coburn in the
33rd Indiana Infantry Co. F&S.
Ranks of 1 Lieutenant & Rear Qtr. Master.
Mustered in 16, Sept.1861.
According to his pension file, he resigned
his commission from the army Nov. 22,1863
due to "illness."
Married Mary M. Morrison in Marion County,
Indiana on July 17,1866 by the pastor of the Presbyterian church.
Mary Morrison was born July 17, 1838 in
Salem, Indiana and was the daughter of
John and Catherine Morrison.
Heneage Byron Finch died October 7, 1867
in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. and
is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin,
Johnson County, Indiana in the Finch plot.
His obituary appeared in the "Indianapolis
Journal" of October 7, 1867, pg. 5, col. 3
Mary Morrison Finch died January 20, 1914
in Indianapolis and was buried at Crown Hill
Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana. It appears
she never remarried.
Indiana Soldiers Civil War 7th Regiment
Civil War ~ Indiana
U.S. GenWeb Archives ~ Indiana Civil War
National Parks Service: Civil War Soldier
Jemima Jane Finch (1839-1850)
Born in 1839 in Indiana.
Name appears on the August 1850 Federal
Census for Franklin, Johnson County, IN.
Died in 1850 (age 11).
Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, Indiana.
John Allen Finch - 1863
Wabash College
[Photo courtesy of Wabash College Archives.]John Allen Finch (1842-1899)
Born November 14, 1842.
Died May 31, 1899 (age 56).
Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, Indiana.
Never married.
Attended Franklin College, Franklin, Indiana.
Graduated from Wabash College in 1863.
Member of the Tau Chapter, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
One of two individuals for whom the Wabash College
"Finch Fellowship" is named (the other being John's
father, Fabius Maximus Finch).
Was a Civil War soldier, serving in the
132 Div. Indiana Vol. Infantry, Company G.
Rank of Private. (100 day service)
Mustered in 18, May 1864, and out 7, Sept.
1864. John is said to have "never fully
recovered from the hardships of the service".
He was a member of the Indianapolis Literary
Club, and elected one of the first members of
the new Indianapolis Historical Society in 1886,
then an exclusive and prestigious gentleman's
club comprised of only "prosperous and
prominent" men of the time.
John Finch was an attorney, practicing with his
father under the firm name "Finch & Finch".
Their office was located on Thorp Block in down-
town Indianapolis. John specialized in Insurance
law and became one of the first Insurance
Lawyers in the United States.
John Finch was the author of "Finch's Insurance
Digest" and "The Unity of Human Experience",
a paper he read to the Indianapolis Literary Club,
which in 1899, was published as a 28 page booklet.
Per Oct. 16, 1899 letter from James Gardner Finch
to cousin Benoni Wheeler Finch, John Allen Finch
died "in a hotel bath in St. Paul (MN.) last May
(1899)." where he was on business at the time.
John Finch was unmarried and had no children.
John Allen Finch John Allen Finch
[ Last Photo ]
Fabius Maximus Jr.
Born 1846.
Died 1847 (abt. 1yr.).
Alice K. Finch (abt. 1852-1923)
Born abt. 1852 in Indiana.
Died May 19, 1923.
Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, Indiana.
Was Indiana's first certified public school teacher.
Quoted as being "a most estimable and accomplished
In 1923 Alice K. Finch bequeathed $10,000 to the
Indianapolis Parks Department for "playground
purposes", and the city's Park Board chose to name
the lot at State and Spann Avenues "Finch Park &
Playground" in memory of the Finch Family.
In 1988, Indianapolis Public Schools traded
properties with Indy Parks, and built School #39 on
the old Finch Park & Playground site. A new
Finch Park was then built at 801 South State Avenue
in Indianapolis, just two blocks south of the original
location. In 1994, the Lilly Boys and Girls Club located
on a portion of Finch Park, entering into a 50 year
lease, and in 2000, the Indy Parks department
installed new playground equipment at Finch Park.
In 1923, Alice also established (through her will), the
"Finch Fellowship" at Wabash College, in memory
of her father, Fabius Maximus Finch and brother,
John Allen Finch.
Alice K. Finch was unmarried and had no children.
"Biographical And Reminiscent History Of Richland,
Clay And Marion Counties, Illinois 1909" (page 216).
Alice K. Finch abt. 1857 Alice K.. Finch
Alice K. Finch - last photo 1920
Sarah Finch (1856-1868)
Born in 1856 in Indiana.
Died 1868 (age 12).
Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Franklin, IN.
George Brown Finch (1859-1863)
Born abt. Sept. 1859 in Indiana.
Youngest child of Fabius Maximus and
Nancy (Allen) Finch.
Died in 1863 (abt. age 4).
George Brown Finch
Above portraits by artist, Jacob Cox.
Jacob Cox was half brother of Elizabeth Chapman Conner.
[Photos courtesy of Conner Prairie Museum]
"History of The Formation, Settlement & Development
Of Hamilton County" by Augustus Finch Shirts, c. 1901
Biographical And Reminiscent History Of Richland, Clay
And Marion Counties, Illinois 1909".
"Men Of Progress Of Indiana" c. 1899.
[Children Of Honorable ( VI ) John Finch and Mehitable Brown Chapman continued]
14. Angeline Finch (1813-?)
Born January 21, 1813.
Married Jasie Williams.
Angeline is named as an heir in father, John Finch's will -
drawn January 26, 1841 (probated jan. 12, 1850).
15. George Finch (1815-1819)
Born February 22, 1815.
Died of malaria October 15, 1819, Horseshoe Prairie,
Hamilton County, Indiana (age 4).
16. Cynthia Finch (1817-?)
Born May 10th, 1817.
Married Dr. Nathaniel Hall.
17. Horatio Goldsmith Finch (1819
- 1893)
Horatio Goldsmith Finch in 1855 San Francisco,
[Photo courtesy Of
Bancroft Library. See credits.]
Horatio Goldsmith Finch was born June 12, 1819
in Connersville, Wayne County, Indiana.
Moved with his family to Horseshoe Prairie,
Hamilton County, Indiana in August of 1819.
Studied Law.
Lived in Hamilton County, Indiana until the Mexican
War (1846-1848), when he was employed as clerk
of a quartermaster's office, serving in that position
until 1849.
Moved to California in 1849 during the Gold
traveling through the Straits Of Magellan, aboard the
steamship, Panama, a 107 day trip commanded by
Admiral D. D. Porter, U.S.N.
Mined on the
north fork of the American River in CA.,
and also mined for approx. 3 months at Big Bar.
Moved to Benicia California, and again was employed
as clerk in the quartermaster's
office, where he likely
served as a civilian employee under the direction of
Maj. Robert Allen, Depot Quartermaster. Maj. Robert
Allen was the brother-in-law of Fabius Maximus Finch,
older brother of this Horatio Goldsmith Finch.
Horatio later took a similar position as civilian
quartermaster clerk in San Francisco, when the Benicia
Depot was relocated there.
In 1861 Maj. Robert Allen was called to the front as
Chief Quartermaster of Missouri and of the Valley of
the Mississippi. It was around this same time, during the
Civil War, that Horatio G. Finch spent a year and a half
in St. Louis, Missouri, and later traveled the United States
an employee of the U.S. Government.
the 1867
Great Register of San Francisco,
G. Finch resided at 506 Market Street
the 5th Ward. (Registered July 12, 1866.)
Settled in Solano County, California in 1871, within
five miles of Winters, Yolo County.
Horatio owned and rented out 182 acres of "well
improved land", on most of which he grew fruit.
When renting his land
in Solano County, Horatio
resided in Winters, CA.
Horatio G. Finch married Mary A. Casebolt on
July 4, 1872 in San Francisco, California, Minister
John Kimball, officiating.
Mary A. Casebolt was born in 1838, in West Virginia,
and was the daughter of Henry Casebolt, who built the
first cable car line in San Francisco.
Mary was a member of the 1859 first graduating class of
San Francisco High
School, (formerly Union Grammar
School, now Lowell
High School.), and in 1861 she
graduated Minns' Evening
Normal School. Minns later
became California State Normal, which relocated to
San Jose, and was renamed San Jose State University,
(and later CSU.)
Mary (Casebolt) Finch died tragically February 10, 1888
in Suisun,
California, being hit by a run-away freight car,
while attempting to cross the tracks (abt. age 50).
Horatio is named as an heir and Executor in father, John
Finch's will - drawn Jan. 26, 1841 (probated Jan. 12, 1850).
Horatio Goldsmith Finch died August 25, 1893 in
San Francisco, California, (age 74).
Per the California
Genealogical Society, both
Horatio G. and Mary A. (Casebolt) Finch were cremated
at the San Francisco Independent Order Of
Odd Fellows Crematorium.
Mary A. Casebolt - 1859
[Photo, courtesy of Lowell High School Alumni Assoc.]
Children of Horatio Goldsmith. Finch and Mary Casebolt:
Fabius Taylor Finch
Born December 26, 1875 in Oakland, CA.
Graduate of Boy's
High School,
Francisco, Class of 1893
(Formerly, San Francisco High
School and
later to become Lowell
High School.)
Graduated the University Of California
in 1897.
He was an attorney in San Francisco,
and a member of the California State Bar
Association, the Olympic Club and
Independent Order Of Foresters.
Fabius was secretary to the Mayor of
San Francisco at the time of the 1906
earthquake, and for a time, clerk of the
California State Senate.
Married Anna Pauline Wreden on
June 20, 1925 in San Francisco.
Anna was the daughter of Henry Wreden
and Margaret Wrobioff.
Frances B. Willson Appeal)
Heaps v. Toy (1942) 54 CA2d 178)
Horn v. Klatt (1944) 65 CA2d 510)
Estate of Becker (1950) 98 CA2d 574)
Feb. 1903 Residential phone and address,
per Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph
Company listing, San Francisco, page 83:
(ph.) Baker 1531. (addr.) 3132 Wash.
In 1911, was a presiding officer in
the San Francisco assembly of the
Native Sons of the Golden West.
Was a member of the Past Presidents
Assn. of The Native Sons of The Golden
West. ,
and an original organizer of the
"Finch Family Association".
Fabius Taylor Finch died "unexpectedly",
Tuesday evening, September 29, 1953
(age 77).
County Genealogical Society
"A Memorial and Biographical History of
Northern California" c. 1891, Lewis Publishing Co.,
Chicago, (page #454).
Francisco Call Newspaper Vital Records for 1869-1895
(Record #s1872M-795 and 1893D-1662)
NOTE Regarding Horatio Goldsmith Image:
The above photo is displayed with the written permission of
The University Of
California, Berkeley's Bancroft Library.
The original daguerreotype was taken by R. H. Vance in 1855,
and may be the largest surviving daguerreotype from California.
To date, it is the oldest Finch Photograph known to the author
of this web site.
The Hand written notations found on the photo are as follows:
"Horatio G. Finch 1855 by R. H. Vance San Francisco Cala."
(Handwritten, on backing board)
"Please send me to my brother Hiram G. Finch. Noblesville
Hamilton County Indiana or to Fabius M. Finch Franklin
Johnson County Indiana."
(Handwritten in pencil on backer board)
"H.G. Finch 1855"
For more information on this photo, visit:
The Online
Archive of California.
To obtain permission to use or reproduce this photo,
please contact:
University Of California, Berkeley's Bancroft Library.
Back To Top
Children Of ( VII ) Jubal Finch and wife, Philena Earl
1. Edwin Finch
Born (?)
Died when brother, Robert was still a young boy.
2. ( VIII )
Robert Finch (1819 - 1907)
Born September 25, 1819 in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana.
Moved with his widowed mother, to Fountain County, Indiana in 1832.
Stayed with his mother and step-father until the age of 16, and in 1835,
(with his mother's consent) to his grandfather John Finch's home near
Noblesville, IN.
Robert stayed with his grandparents for one year, then returned home to
his mother.
Robert's mother, Philena Earl, died at the age of 45 (abt. 1838), at which
time, Robert
(then 19) went to Cincinnati, intending to go into business with a cousin
who lived there.
His plans changed, however, and Robert moved to his Uncle Fabius Finch's home in
Franklin, Johnson
County, Indiana.
Robert studied for nine months at Baptist Manual Labor Training School in Franklin,
Indiana. He then taught for one year in a small log cabin in the woods near
where he earned the reputation of being a fine school teacher. It is there
also that Robert
and William H, Holman created the first debating society in Franklin, Johnson
County, Indiana.
Robert did attend two terms at Wabash College
in Crawfordsville, Indiana, before retuning
to his teaching profession, which he maintained along with summer farming
until 1845.
In 1845 Robert moved from Fountain County, Indiana to Warren County,
where he purchased a 120 acre farm on the Grand Prairie, 3 miles from West
Lebanon, IN.
Robert Finch married Sarah Ann Crawford on December 3, 1847, with whom he had
children and many grandchildren. (Married in Fountain or Warren
County, Indiana?)
Sarah Ann Crawford was born April 13,1827 in Clarksville, Clinton County,
(Sarah's parents were John and Elizabeth (Cline) Crawford, both
born in Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford later removed to Attica, Indiana, where Sarah's
father was a
surgeon of prominence.)
Robert and Sarah Finch remained in Warren County, Indiana until
1853, when they sold
their farm for $1800 and moved to Iroquois County, Illinois. There
they purchased 960
acres of government land, paying $1.25 per acre. This
Prairie Green Township land
included all of section [26] and the west half of section [25]. The couple
eventually amassed
acres of land and broke the "tough sod" of the prairie land with 5 yoke of oxen.
Robert and Sarah's first Illinois home was said to be "a small cabin, 12 X 16
feet, with a
floor so
insecurely laid that the rattlesnakes could crawl through its cracks and
This "shanty" was later used as a stable, when the couple built
a more suitable home.
During the Civil War, Robert Finch, along with K. Shankland, secured the
necessary to purchase as many "substitute" soldiers as were
needed to satisfy the draft
quota for Prairie Township Illinois, thus exempting the men of that
community from service.
Robert Finch and K. Shankland were later reimbursed by the township for
their monetary aid.
Robert owned a successful broom factory in Prairie Green Township and from
his crop
in 1879, manufactured approximately 4,200 brooms.
In 1893, Robert and Sarah Crawford moved to a farm in Perry Township, Colfax,
though keeping 860 acres in Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County,
Illinois where their
grown sons and families continued to farm.
Their brick home in Colfax was later sold, painted white and converted into "Miller's
Per the 1900 Clinton County, Perry Township, Indiana Census, 12 year old
Raymond Finch was living in the home with
Robert and Sara Crawford Finch.
Raymond Finch was born in Illinois in 1888, the son of Theodore
Parker Finch and Loretta Handy.
Robert Finch died October 11, 1907 (age 88) in his
home, 1/2 mi. NE of Colfax,
and is buried in Plainview Cemetery - Colfax, Indiana
Sarah Ann Crawford Finch died
October 1, 1912 in Colfax, Clinton County, Indiana (age 85).
Skip to the Children of Robert Finch and
Sarah Ann Crawford
County Indiana Obituaries
County Historical Society Biographical Sketch
Book: "The Portrait &
Biographical Record of Iroquois County" 1893.
Note on Family Tree, "See History of Iroquois County, Ill."
Robert Finch
Sarah Ann Crawford
Photo restoration courtesy of
(wife of Robert Finch)
Lynn Gehr
Robert Finch (center top) with Wife Sarah,
Children and Grandchildren - [Photo circa
Finch with sons and grandson
Home of Robert Finch
Theodore Finch seated: Robert Finch
Colfax, Indiana
baby Gordon Finch and Robert Sr.)
Children Of ( VIII ) Robert Finch and wife, Sara Ann Crawford
1. Edwin Finch
Born February 1, 1848, at Crow's Grove.
Warren County, Indiana - near West Lebanon.
Moved with his parents, to Prairie Green Township,
Iroquois County, Illinois in 1853.
Attended a subscription school taught by his
mother's sister, Josephine in 1856 and 1857.
Married Sarah W. McGrew on July 18, 1881
in Iroquois County, Illinois.
Sarah McGrew was born in Ohio in 1855, and
died in October 1944 (age 89)
(Sarah was the daughter of Murray McGrew
and Anna Williams.)
Known to have lived in Wellington, Illinois.
1890 lived in Milford Township, per Iroquois County Taxpayer List,
Moved to Hoopeston Illinois in 1914.
Owned "Clover Leaf Stock Farm", (as it was
later named) in Prairie Green Township, Illinois.
Skip to next child of Robert Finch and Sarah Crawford
Edwin Finch
Children of Edwin Finch and Sarah W. McGrew:
Laura Finch
Born December 3, 1884
Married Arthur Thorne May 27, 1907
Died December 3, 1924
Children of Laura Finch and Arthur Thorne:Doris Thorne
Marguerite Thorne
Harold Thorne (Died in WWII)
Arthur Thorne
Anna Finch
Born February 12, 1885
Married Arthur Eisenhour August 30, 1903
Died May 23, 1951
Children of Anna Finch and Arthur Eisenhour:
Olive Eisenhour (Died bef. age 2)
Juanita Eisenhour (Died bef. age 2)
Virginia Eisenhour
Delores Eisenhour
Violet Eisenhour
Geneva Eisenhour
(?) married name, HerlFred Finch
Born May 16, 1877
Married Stella Brubaker on October 2, 1913.
Was a farmer.
Lived in Prairie Green, Illinois.
Fred Finch died 1937 (age 60)
Children of Fred and Stella Finch:
Vivian FinchHarry E. Finch
Born December 18, 1889
Attended Willow Brook School
Took a course in Mechanical School.
Married Edna V. Carey on January 1, 1914.
Edna Carey died June 4, 1961.
Was a farmer, skilled harness maker and breeder
of Duroc Jersey Hogs in Prairie Green, Ill.,
Took over "Clover Leaf Stock Farm", which
was his parent's homestead.
Was a member of the Prairie Green Church
Of Christ, where he served as an elder and
several terms as chairman.
Harry E. Finch died 1967 (age 78)
Iroquois County Genealogical Society
Children of Harry E. and Edna Finch:
Lucile Finch
Barbara Finch
Lloyd Finch
[Children of Robert Finch and Sarah Ann Crawford Continued]
Family of John Finch and Delora Poiner
Hoopeston, Illinois. [cir. 1897?]
2. John Finch
Born March1850 in Warren County, Indiana.
Was a farmer.
Married Delora (Dellera?) Jane Poyner November 17, 1873
in Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County, IL.
Delora Poyner died prior to June 8, 1900 Benton County, IN. Census
1880 – Lived in Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.
1890 - No longer listed as a taxpaying resident of listed on Iroquois
County, Illinois.
1891 - Resided in Indiana, per later census records.
1900 – Resided in Hickory Grove Township, Benton County, Indiana (Ambia?)
(See census page 1 & 2)
1910 – Resided in Howard County, Kokomo, Indiana.
[Skip to the next child of Robert Finch and Sarah Ann Crawford]
Children of John C. Finch and Delora Jane Poyner:
Alice V. Finch
Born 1876
Married Thomas D. Skelly on October 1, 1899.
Lived in Richland Township, Fountain County, Indiana
per 1900 census.Jessie M. Finch
Born September 1878 in Indiana.Dell Finch
Born February 12, 1881 in Illinois.Ella Finch
Born January 1887 in Illinois.Frank Finch (Frances?)
Born December 5, 1888 in Illinois.Bessie D. Finch
Born October 1891 in Indiana.Birch R. Finch
Born February 1895 in Indiana.
Married Ina A. Bone on October 15, 1913
in Howard County, Kokomo, Indiana.
Children of Birch R. Finch and Ina Bone:Robert Finch
Rex Finch
Louella Finch
Mary Eva Finch
Lloyd L. Finch (08/31/15 - 01/05/09)
(Obituary on file at
Ivan D. Finch
Joan Finch
(others ?)
Children of John C. Finch and Delora Jane Poyner continued:
Rex McKinley FinchRex Mckinley Finch
Born November 15, 1896 in Indiana.
Middle name chosen after President McKinley
Was a WWI veteran.
Attached to Co. E 152nd Infantry, which went to France in
October 1918.
Married 1. Nellie Hite.
Married 2. Edna (?)
Lived in Howard County, Indiana.
Last known residence was Marion, Grant County, Indiana.
Died in June 1976 (age 79).
Howard County in the World War. C.V. Haworth,
1920. Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, Printer and Binder.
Page 91 Photo Plate 8.
Howard County Indiana USGenWeb Project BiographiesChildren of Rex McKinley Finch and Nellie Hite:
Alice Finch
Jeanne Finch
John Edward Finch Sr.
(Daughter #3, living)
Rex McKinley Finch Jr.
Rex McKinley Finch Jr.
Born may 15, 1926
Married Virginia Nell White.
Had four sons.
Died in June 2006.
(Daughter #4, living)Infant (Deceased)
[Children of Robert Finch and Sarah Ann Crawford Continued]
3. Cyrus Finch (abt. 1851 - ?)
Born abt. 1851 in Indiana.
Lived in Hoopeston, Illinois
Was a farmer.
Married Josephine Astor.
4. Robert Finch Jr.
Born October 1852 in Warren County, Indiana.
Died in 1834.
Married May Homan in Streator Illinois in 1897
May Homan died in 1904, and is buried in
Crawford County, Illinois.
Robert Finch was known to have lived in Ambia, Indiana,
and was a farmer in Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.
1890 lived in Milford Township, per Iroquois County Taxpayer List,
[Robert Finch Jr.]
Children of Robert Finch Jr. and May Homan:
Flossie Finch
Died July 13, 1902.
Mabel Finch
Died December 8, 1969.
Married Laurence Weber, Aug. 20, 1924
in Lafayette, Indiana.
Children of Mabel Finch and Laurence Weber:
Leon Weber
Born Sept. 1, 1925 in Hoopeston, Ill.
Died in 1971.
Married Gertrude Leukefeld.June Weber
Born 1937.
Died July 25, 2004.
Married Robert Pearson.Children of June Weber & Robert Pearson:
Kay Pearson
Mark Pierson Pearson
Sarah Pearson
[Children of Robert Finch and Sarah Ann Crawford Continued]
5. Theodore Parker Finch
Born March 14, 1854 in Prairie Green Township,
Iroquois County, Illinois.
Died June 20, 1934 in Hoopeston, Vermillion
County, Illinois.
Theodore was a farmer in Hoopeston, Iroquois County, Illinois.
Married Loretta Handy on April 5, 1877 in Prairie Green,
Township, Illinois.
Loretta Handy was born December 10, 1853,
in Newton, Fountain County, Indiana and
died July 17, 1929, Hoopeston, Vermillion
County, Illinois. She was the daughter of James Blaine Handy and
Keziah Poyner, and the sister of John Wesley Handy, who
married Lenora Finch (younger sister of this Theodore Finch).
In 1890, Theodore parker Finch lived in Milford Township, Illinois,
per the Iroquois County Taxpayer List,Skip to next child of Robert Finch and Sarah Crawford
Children of Theodore Finch and Loretta Handy:
Robert W. Finch
Born March 29, 1878 in
Prairie Green Township, Illinois.
Died 1934.
Married Effie Carr.
Effie Carr was born October 14, 1877.
Children of Robert and Effie Finch:
Gordon Finch
Elmyra Finch
Alice Finch
Theodore Finch
Dorothy Finch
Robert Finch Jr.
Lillian Goldie Finch
Born July 6, 1881.
Died April 30, 1918.
Married James Field (brother of Chester).
Mable Finch
Born July 19, 1884.
Died April 25, 1958.
Married Chester Field (brother of James).
Chester Field died July 14, 1959.
Raymond J. Finch
Born January 31, 1888.
Per 1900 Federal Census, Raymond Finch (then age 12)
lived with his grandparents, Robert and Sarah Finch in
Clinton County, Perry Township Indiana.
Charles A. Finch
Born July 10, 1890
Married Flora Regan
Was a farmer.
Lived in Prairie Green, Illinois.
Charles and Flora Finch are buried at
Floral Hill Cemetery in Hoopeston, Ill.
Ruby Keziah Finch (twin)
Born September 2, 1893 (Hoopeston, Ill. ?)
Died August 11, 1970 in Hoopeston, Illinois.
Married John William Decker June 19, 1915.
John William Decker was born September 25,
1877 in Sumner, Lawrence County, Illinois,
and died November 30, 1951 in Hoopeston,
Vermillion County, Illinois.
Skip to next child of Theodore and Loretta Finch
Children of Ruby K. Finch and John Decker:
Emma Jane Decker
Married Robert Dial Pittman
in Davenport, IA.
Robert Pittman was born Aug. 24, 1910
and died May 24, 1998.
Children of Emma & Robert Pittman:
Gary Wayne Pittman
Robert Scott Pittman
Lillian Goldie Decker
Married Fred King Stewart
Children of Lillian and Fred Stewart:
Fred King Stewart
Charles King Stewart
John Decker Stewart
John William Decker
Married Carol Teegarden
Children of John and Carol Decker:John William Decker
Ann Marie Decker
Molly Lou Decker
Ida Marilyn Decker
[Children of Theodore Finch and Loretta Handy Continued]
James G. (Jaime) Finch (twin)
Born September 2, 1893 (Hoopeston, Ill. ?)
Died July 18, 1901.
Garret Hobart (Gary) Finch (twin)
Born January 20, 1897.
Married Ruth Webster.
Richard McKinley (Ken) Finch (twin)
Born January 20, 1897.
Married Gladys Warner January 15, 1921.
[Children of Robert Finch and Sarah Ann Crawford Continued]
6. Freemont Finch (abt. 1856 - ?)
Born abt. 1856 in Illinois.
Was a farmer, and superintendent
of his father, Robert's broom factory
in Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.
It is said that Freemont was extremely
good with his hands, an expert broom-
maker who learned the trade in a matter
of two days, and built from scratch, the
machine used to manufacture brooms in
his father's factory.
1890 lived in Milford Township, Illinois,
per Iroquois County Taxpayer List,
Lived in Colfax, Clinton County, Indiana
Freemont remained Single, and lived
with his parents Robert and Sarah
most of his life, then in his old age
stayed with his brother Leon and wife
Mary Ida (per 1995 notes by Barbara
Finch Edwards).7. Genevra "Geneve" Finch (abt. 1858 -?)
Born abt. 1858 in Illinois.
Married 1.) John W. Mossgrove on September 3, 1876
in Iroquois County. Illinois.
Married 2.) Cromwell (Crom) McDaniel.
Per census records:
Lived in Crawford County, Robinson Township, Illinois in 1900.
Lived in Minneapolis, MN., in 1907.
Lived in Anoka County, Minnesota in 1910 and 1920.Children of Genevra Finch and Cromwell McDaniel:
Fred McDaniel
Born 1883.
Died October 25, 1944.Wilmer McDaniel
Born January 31, 1886.
Died November 22, 1966.Benjamin Harrison (Harry) McDaniel
Born February 24, 1889.
Died September 30, 1962.Robert Reed McDaniel
Born July 20, 1894.
Died May 11, 1966.Lester McDaniel
Born March 24, 1898.
Died April 12, (?)
Sons of Genevra Finch and Cromwell McDaniel
in Hoopeston, Illinois, cir. 1899
[front:] Fred, Wilmer [back:] Robert, Harry, Lester
8. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Finch (abt. 1864 - ?)
Born abt. 1864 in Illinois.
Married John Lyons
Lived in Lafayette, Indiana 19079. Fredrick Cline Finch (1866-1933)
Born 1866 in Illinois.
Was a farmer.
1890 lived in Milford Township, Illinois,
per Iroquois County Taxpayer List,
Lived in Colfax, Clinton County, Indiana
Died, 1933.10. ( IX ) Leon Finch (twin) (1870-1948)
Born May 28, 1870 Prairie Green Township, Iroquois County, Illinois.
Note: 1870 Federal Census records for Iroquois County, Prairie Green
Township, IL., indicate Leon's name at 1 month of age was "Alvin C. Finch".)
However, his name was listed as "Leon Finch" in the 1880 (and all subsequent)
Federal Census records.
Was a carpenter.
Married Ida M. Wall October 20, 1890, in Prairie Green Township, Illinois.
Ida M. Wall was born May 22, 1871 in Indiana. She was the daughter of
Ephriam Wall and Mary McReynolds, both of Indiana.
Leon and Ida Finch lived in Frankfort, Clinton County, Indiana in 1900.
Per the federal census, as of April 2, 1930, the couple resided in Indianapolis,
Marion County, Indiana, where Leon was employed as a carpenter and Ida
as a nurse.
As of November 1938, Leon and Ida lived at 1306 Hiatt Street Indianapolis,
Indiana 46221.
Leon Finch died November 16, 1938 of uremia and myocarditis (age 68).
Ida M. (Wall) Finch died January 18, 1948 of aplastic anemia and broncho
pneumonia in Indianapolis, Indiana (age 77).
At the time of her death, Mary Ida (Wall) Finch lived at 3444 E. 26th Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46218.
Leon Finch and Ida M. (Wall) Finch are buried in Crown Hill Cemetery,
Indianapolis IN., Section 95, #672 & 673 - South side of 38th St.
Skip to the Children of Leon & Ida M. Finch
Leon Finch and Family in 1898 -
(front) Charles and Lester.
(back) Leon, Ora, Clarence and Ida
Ida M. Wall Leon and Ida M. (Wall) Finch
Leon Finch and Sons:
(seated) Leon Finch
(front) Rocky, Clarence
(rear) Charles, Ora, Lester
11. Lenora (Nora) Finch (Twin) (1870-?)
Born May 28, 1870 Prairie Green, Ill.
Note: 1870 Federal Census records for Iroquois County, Prairie Green
Township, IL., indicate Lenora's name at 1 month of age was "Jennie Finch".)
However, her name was listed as "Lenora Finch" in the 1880 (and all
subsequent) Federal Census records.
Married John Wesley Handy. John Handy was the son of
James Blaine Handy and Keziah Poyner, and brother of
Loretta Handy. Loretta Handy was the wife of Theodore Parker Finch,
(the older brother of this Lenora Finch).
Lived in St. Francis, Minnesota in 1907Children of Lenora Finch and John Wesley Handy:
Bessie Jane Handy
Married Harold Edwin Norris
Children of Bessie Jane Handy and Harold Norris:
Mae Norris
Married Robert Levine
Children of Mae Norris and Robert Levine:
Dennis Levine![]()
Dorothy Norris
Twins: Lenora & Leon Finch Lenora Finch
Photo restoration courtesy of Lynn Gehr
Handy Family - Minnesota cir. 1926
(back row) John Wesley Handy, Lenora Finch Handy, Harold Edwin Norris,
Bessie Jane Handy Norris, (front row) Mae Norris, Dorothy Norris.
10. Elizabeth Finch
Married John Lyons
Lived in Lafayette, Indiana 1907
Children Of ( IX ) Leon Finch and wife, Mary Ida Wall
1. Clarence Finch
Born March 13, 1891
Served in World War I.
Left home at age 16.
Married Edna (?) who later died.
Moved to California and married Sadie (?)
Sadie (?) was part American Indian.
Clarence and Sadie Settled in Stockton, California where
Clarence worked on the rail road.
Clarence Finch was a loving older brother, who helped his
siblings whenever needed, providing funds to carry them
through lean times, and an open door whenever they came
to visit.
No children?
[Clarence Finch in Stockton, CA.]
2. Ora Freemont Finch (1893-1978)
Born March 31, 1893
Per Family Tree: "Served in 25th Eng. World War " (WWI)
Married Hattie Wilson
Retired as a Mechanical Engineer after 24 years of
service at International Harvester Co.
Built the first Super Charger designed for Auto Racing,
which at the time, propelled the winning Dussenberg
around Altoina Race Track at "the dizzy Pace of 127 mph."
Died in 1978 (age 82) in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne,
Buried in Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
No children?
Ora Freemont Finch in Nice, France.
On furlough after the Armistice was signed.
3. Lester Kenneth Finch
Born April 28, 1895 in Colfax, Clinton County, Indiana.
Lived on West Morris Street, Indianapolis, Indiana in 1917.
Served in 4th Div. World War" (WWI)
Per Registrar's Report, Lester was 5'-10", 158 pounds,
with black hair and brown eyes.
Married Lottie Poer.
Was an insurance agent in 1938.
Lester Finch loved to hunt and fish, and passed these interests
on to his nephew Richard Bird Finch, with whom he remained
very close, following the death of Lester's brother, Roscoe.
No children?
Lester Kenneth Finch
Home from WWI
4. Charles Leon Finch
Born, July 13, 1897 in Colfax, Indiana
Nicknamed "Chalk" because of his drawing of pictures on the
sidewalk as a child.
Briefly attended Herron School of Art.
Joined the U.S. Navy in 1917.
Served on the USS Orizaba
during World War
Married Mary Frances Coggeshall in 1929.
Took a job with
Warner Bros. as an artist and moved with his
wife and daughter to New York City.
Was laid off from Warner Bros. during the depression, so he
and his family moved back to Indiana.
Worked for a time as a freelance artist, then opened a
commercial studio in 1932 - 33. Due to the depressed economy
Clarence soon began focusing his talents in the area of printing.
Was President of the Lithographers Union, Local 23 in Indpls.
Charles Finch died in Orlando, Orange County, Florida in
January 1981.
(Majority of the above information was taken from
Barbara's personal notes on her father's life experiences.)
Charles Finch
Home From WWI
Children of Charles Finch and Mary Frances Coggeshall:
Barbara Lee Finch
Born 1930 in New York City.
Graduated Butler University.
Married John W. Edwards.
Was a social worker for Tri-County
Health for 13 years, retiring in
Later worked for Unified
Barbara was a member of Noblesville
Christian Church, the Hamilton County
Health Association and the Hamilton
Park Board. She was a founder and
of the Hamilton County Community
Council, and a volunteer for the
Art Center.
Barbara Lee Finch Edwards died February
1999. Her memorial service was
held in the
Indianapolis Art Center, with interment
Oaklawn Memorial Gardens, Fishers,
Children of Barbara Finch and John Edwards:
Charles Edwards
Born in Louisville, KY
Thomas Finch Edwards
Born, 1960.
Died 1975 (age15)
William Bruce Edwards
Jon Neil Edwards
5. ( X ) Roscoe
Wall Finch
Born December 12,1900 in Frankfort, Clinton County, IN..
the Federal Census, as of April 2, 1930, Roscoe Finch
29) lived at home with his parents and sister, Ruth H.
in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
1930, Roscoe took employment with John Morrell & Co.,
Indianapolis, working one of the Sioux Falls sales routes.
worked a year and a half in that capacity, before being
to "general work".
Roscoe Finch married Anna Mae Bird in March 1930, in
Kenton County, Kentucky (per Anna's obituary).
Anna Mae Bird was born March 6, 1908 in Greensburg, IN.,
and was the
daughter of Ira Bird and Luna Tarplee.
Anna was a practical Nurse and a member of St. Luke's
Catholic Church of Indianapolis.
1934 "Rocky" was transferred to Pittsburgh, PA., where
was dubbed, "Crackerjack Salesman" of John Morrell
Sioux Falls Plant.
1939, Anna's widowed mother, Luna (Tarplee) Bird, came
live with the family in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA.
Roscoe Wall Finch died by suicide in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
May 6, 1941, (age
40). Funeral services were handled by
Farley Funeral Home - 1604 West Morris Street, Indianapolis,
Indiana [now Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Center].
Roscoe Wall Finch was buried in
South Park Cemetery -
Greensburg, IN., on May 10, 1941. Sect. #1, SW 1/4 - 271.
Anna Mae (Bird) Finch died of a bowel obstruction and
paritonitis on June 29, 1976 in Winona Hospital, Indianapolis,
Indiana (age 68). Her funeral arrangements were
handled by
Funeral Home - 302 N Franklin Street,
47240 [now
Home], with burial services officiated
by Rev. John
Geis, pastor of St. Mary's Church.
Mae (Bird) Finch is buried with husband, Roscoe Wall
Finch in
South Park Cemetery -
Greensburg, Indiana.
Skip to the Children of Roscoe Finch and Anna
Mae Bird
Roscoe Wall Finch
1900 Roscoe Wall Finch
Roscoe Wall ("Rocky") Finch
"Rocky" Finch
(cir. 1927- 1929)
Morrell Magazine Photo
Nov. 1939
6. Ruth Hazel Finch
Born November 4, 1903 in Frankfort, Clinton County. Indiana.
Ruth loved to dance at the Indiana Ball Room, and claimed
to have "cut the rug" there with many a handsome soldier.
Ruth's dearest friend was Madge Carter, with whom she "paled
around" for the better part of 80 years. Ruth was an
homemaker and quite skilled in the areas of cooking, sewing,
embroidery and crochet. Even her gift wrapping was elegant
and artful. She loved big green cars, peanut butter cookies
polka music. Her fondest memory was of the day she spent in
Indianapolis with her brother Rocky, when he bought her
"very first hamburger."
Prior to 1938, Ruth married a gentleman by the name of Selby,
but soon divorced due to Mr. Selby's "heavy drinking".
In 1950, Ruth Finch married Dr. Clyde W. Weaver, who
was born May 8, 1885 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Clyde Weaver
was the son of Benjamin C. Weaver and Henrietta Dalton, and
was a 1910 graduate of Indiana Dental College, University
of Indianapolis. Clyde was also a great Homing Pigeon
enthusiast, and Secretary of Hoosier Capitol Homing Club.
(See October 30, 1927 Indianapolis Sunday Star newspaper
article, page 34). Clyde W. Weaver died in July of 1968.
Following the death of her husband, Ruth Finch lived for some
time in Indianapolis, then married Ora Gunckel in 1976 and
moved New Paris Ohio. Ruth Finch and Ora Gunckel later
returned to
Indiana, settling in the town of Williamsburg, near
the Indiana / Ohio border. Their home was said to be the
oldest in the county
and was an integral part of the
Underground Railroad with it's hidden dirt room chamber,
accessed through a false closet
Ora Gunckel died Saturday June 6, 1987 at the age of 83.
Ruth Finch remained in her Williamsburg home until August 1,
1991, when in declining health, she was no longer able to care
for herself. At that time Ruth was moved to Cardinal
Healthcare facility in Danville, where she lived until her death
February 10, 1998
(age 94).She is buried in New Winchester
Cemetery, (North East Corner).
Ruth had no children.
She was a greatly beloved sister, friend and aunt.
Ruth Hazel Finch
7. Mildred Marguerite Finch
Born March 27, 1913
Died 1917 of Diphtheria (age 4 )
Mildred Marguerite
Sisters, Ruth and Mildred Finch
[approx. 1916-1917]
Back To Top
Children Of ( X )
Roscoe "Rocky" Finch and wife, Anna Mae Bird
1. ( XI )
Richard Bird Finch (1930-1995)
Born December 17th, 1930 in Greensburg, Indiana.
Graduated Howe Military Elementary June 11, 1944
Graduated Howe Military High School June 6, 1948.
Graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Arts
degree, September 7, 1952
Was President Of Beta Theta
Pi Fraternity at Indiana University.
Served as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, during Korean War.
Awarded the Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant for
meritorious service in 1st Cavalry
Division in Japan from January 13, to July 29, 1955.
Honorably discharged from the Regular Army and appointed as a
reserve officer on
August 10, 1955.
Honorably discharged as a Reserve Commissioned Officer of the
Army on June 30, 1961.
Was a 32nd Degree Mason.
Married Wanda Ruth Dennison - September 12, 1958 In Meridian
Street United Methodist
Church - Indianapolis, IN., [Frank Templin,
Wanda Ruth. Dennison was Born January 19th, 1931 in Elizabethtown,
Hardin County, Kentucky.
She was the daughter of Robert Harry Dennison and Lela
Gertrude Brown of
Glasgow, Kentucky.
Wanda was a secretary at Detroit Steel Corp. until her
marriage, when she became an exceptional
Wanda (Dennison) Finch died of a malignant brain tumor on
July 30, 1989, (1:30 a.m.), at
Americanna North Nursing Home in Indianapolis Indiana. (age 58)
Richard Bird Finch retired in 1990, as Executive Vice President of Indiana
Lumber & Builders
Supply Association in
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Richard Finch died of a heart attack at his home in Indianapolis, (Father's
Day) June 18, 1995
(age 64) He is buried with his wife, Wanda in Washington Park Cemetery North
- Indianapolis, IN.,
"Garden Of Saint Matthew" - Section #37, Lots (a)
& (b).
Skip to the Children of
Richard Finch and Wanda Dennison
2. Mary Ann Finch
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Married (1.) Atty. John Carl Vandivier Jr.
Married (2.) William Matthysse.
Studierte an der Unversität
Hamburg, 1982 - 1983.
B.A., Indiana
University, Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1984.
Received Scholarship
for study in The Netherlands from The Minister
of Education, The
Netherlands 1986.
M.A., College of Arts
and Science, Indiana University 1987.
Member, Career Masters
Certified Career
Management Coach 2004.
Technical Writer,
clients include: Metropolitan Transportation Authority -
Los Angeles, EDS, Eli
Lilly and Company, Indianapolis.
Children of Mary Ann Finch and John Carl Vandivier Jr.:
John Carl Vandivier III
William Vandivier
Suzette Vandivier
Back To Top
Richard Bird Finch 1931 Richard Finch and sister,
Mary Ann
Richard B. Finch, 8th
Richard B. Finch
Howe Military
1947 - 1948
1943 - 1944
Richard and Wanda Finch
Early 1960s
Children Of ( XI ) Richard Bird Finch and wife, Wanda Ruth Dennison
1. Leslie Ann Finch (twin)
Born in St. Francis Hospital - Beech Grove, IN
Married 1.) Richard Eder in Greencastle, Indiana.
Married 2.) Drea Setner.
Married 3.) Jay Guthrie in Little Brown Church
In The Veil, Nashua, Iowa.
Married 4.) Michael Anderson in Minnesota.
Children of Leslie Ann Finch and Richard Eder:
Amy Lynne Eder
Born in
Bell Memorial Hospital - Ishpeming,
Children of Leslie Ann Finch and Jay Guthrie:
Lindsay Gayle Guthrie
Born in St. Josephs Hospital, St Paul. MN.
Ryan Delose Guthrie
Born in
Lakeview Hospital, Stillwater, MN.
Children of Leslie Ann Finch and Michael Anderson:
Mercedes Catherine Anderson
Born in Lakeview Hospital, Stillwater, MN.
Reagan Michael Anderson
in Abbott Northwestern Hospital -
Minneapolis, MN.
2. Lisa Lee Finch (twin)
Born in St. Francis Hospital - Beech Grove, IN
3. Linda Dennison Finch
Born in Methodist Hospital Indianapolis, IN.
Married Marcus Anthony Lengerich in First Meridian
Heights Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN. on May 2, 1987.
Marcus Lengerich was born May, 3, 1964 in Decatur, Indiana
and died March 23, 2004 at John Knox Presbyterian Church,
Indianapolis, IN., (age 39). He is buried in St. Joseph Catholic
Cemetery, Decatur, Indiana.
Children of Linda Dennison Finch and Marcus Anthony Lengerich:
Kyle Anthony Lengerich
in Tri - County Hospital, Chula Vista,
Justin Michael Lengerich
Born in Humana Hospital -
Dennison Grace Lengerich
in Women's Hospital - Indianapolis,
Marcus Anthony Lengerich
4. Lydia Carol Finch
Born in St Vincent Hospital - Indianapolis, IN
Married Donald Gregory Johnston Sr. in First Meridian Heights
Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN., on September 12, 1992.
Donald is the son of L. Glenn Johnston and Joy Jean
See: Phillips Family History: Hendricks County, Indiana.
Step Children of Lydia Finch Johnston:
Donald Gregory Jr.
in St Vincent Hospital - Indianapolis, IN
Children of Donald
Gregory Johnston Jr. and Stacey Porter:
Sheldan Christopher Johnston
(adopted, now Sheldan Christopher Davis)
Born in Hendricks Community
Hospital - Danville
Indiana. Half-brother to Morgan Marie Davis,
who was also adopted by Michael Davis.
Matthew Michael Johnston
Born in Hendricks County Hospital - Danville, Indiana.
Married Holly Browning in Danville, Indiana.
Divorced 2005.
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FAMILY Coat of
["Nil Conscire Sibi"
translation - "To have a conscience free from guilt"]
site created and maintained by Lydia Finch
Feel free to forward comments or inquiries to:
John and Muriel Finch family of Ormskirk, UK.
5th Iowa
Cavalry Web Site
complete regimental roster, biographies of individual troopers, period
literature related to the regiment, contemporary photographs & images,
and much more.
Civil War ~ Indiana
A comprehensive on-line resource dedicated to the study and
preservation of Indiana's Civil War history.
Danville Public Library
Featuring the genealogical resources of "The Indiana Room"
Fayette County
Public Library
Connersville, Indiana
County Historical Society
Preserving and interpreting the history of Hamilton County Indiana.
Hamilton County Indiana
Web Site
In association with the Indiana GenWeb Project.
Henry County
Genealogical Services
Dedicated to preserving the true history of Henry County Indiana.
Reprinted genealogical data including local histories & area
Public Library
In The Civil War
project to put Illinois Civil War Rosters and History on the Internet.
County Genealogical Society
Iroquois County, Illinois history and genealogical resources.
County Museum of History
Johnson County, Indiana.
Parks Service: Civil War Soldier Database
Names & records of Union and Confederate troops.
York: Genealogy Resources
Comprehensive listing of online genealogical resources & vital records.
Orange County,
New York: GenWeb Site
In association with the USGenWeb Project.